Trying at a new deck

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tunewalker 74

I wanted to try to get counter stroke in a deck and to mix force powers and lightsabers this is what I came up with.

2 commentaires

Ramin2-D2 550

just noticed you're running a similar deck. interesting take, trying to use more force Ability upgrades.

tunewalker 74

@Ramin2-D2 Ya thanks man I was avoiding the grey weapons because I wanted to be able to use It binds destiny and guard no matter what I was able to play. In addition I really like both Force Training and Counterstroke in a deck with Reluctant instructor. Force training is very easy to use 2 times in 1 turn and can often provide a resource for ramp along side damage the turn it is played making it very valuable. Counterstroke is one I am really trying out and it is amazing against decks that deal indirect as you can also get 2 triggers of it usually the turn it is played or even the following turn. Even if you can't get Counterstroke triggered twice Luke is usually peoples first target as he is slightly easier to kill and has dice that are harder to remove since they typically do not show damage.