

    Here are a few common questions that a player might have while playing.

    Can I play with my friend if we are both using villain (or hero) decks?

    • Yes. You can play against anyone, regardless of what affiliation their deck is. You could even use the same characters they are using!

    When one of my characters is about to take damage, do I have to use their shields?

    • Yes, if able.

    If I play an upgrade on an exhausted character, can I immediately roll its die into my pool?

    • No. You must wait until the character readies again to roll the new die into your pool, along with the rest of the character’s dice.

    Can I redeploy an upgrade to a character who already has the maximum number of upgrades?

    • Yes, but you would have to discard one of the character’s upgrades to make room.

    What is the difference between ranged, melee and indirect damage?

    • The only difference between ranged and melee damage is the cards that interact with them and that you cannot resolve them as part of the same action. Indirect damage differs in the same ways and, in addition, the opponent deals damage to their characters, distributed as they wish.

    Can I use the special ability on an exhausted card?

    • You can use the special ability on an exhausted card, provided the ability does not require you to exhaust the card in order to use it.

    Can I have more than five cards in my hand?

    • Yes. You can have more cards in your hand than your hand size. You would not draw more cards during the upkeep phase, though, if you have more cards in hand than your hand size after discarding.

    Can I discard a Gray upgrade to reduce the cost of a non- Gray upgrade, and vice versa?

    • Yes. You can discard an upgrade of any color to reduce the cost of another upgrade, regardless of its color.

    Do I have to resolve all of my dice of the same symbol at once?

    • No. You resolve only as many dice of one symbol as you wish while taking the Resolve Dice action.

    What happens if I play a support card that has “Action” listed on it?

    • You now have a new action that you can take. You do not resolve the action when you play the card.

    What happens if I want to play a copy of a unique card but my opponent has one in play?

    • Each player can have one copy of a unique card in play (though you can still have two in your deck). So you can play your copy, but once you have a copy of it in play, you cannot play another one.

    If I am using multiples of the same character, do I have to remember which dice came from which character?

    • Yes. Make sure that each character’s dice are positioned in such a way that it is obvious which character they came from. If a character is defeated, its specific dice must be removed from the pool, if they are there.

    What happens if I replace an upgrade with another upgrade that costs fewer resources?

    • You play the new upgrade for free.

    Is a character die any die that the character has?

    • No. A character die is a die that corresponds to the character card. An upgrade is never a character die and is always called out by card text as an upgrade die.

    What is the difference between a turn and a round?

    • A turn is one player’s action. A round consists of an action phase and an upkeep phase.

    Can Rey (38) take an additional action if I claim the Imperial Armory (169) with her?

    • No. You must pass all future actions once you claim the battlefield, including the additional action that Rey gives you.

    If I resolve Poe Dameron’s (29) special to use the special on Black One (32), can I roll Black One’s die into the pool even though it says “reroll”?

    • No. The Black One die is not actually in your pool, so you cannot reroll it.

    What happens when an after ability triggers off of a before ability, and there is another after ability in the queue?

    • After abilities enter a queue and wait their turn to resolve. If an after ability triggers during the resolution of any other ability, it will resolve after that ability and any other after ability already in the queue.

    Can I use Cunning (65) to trigger discard an opponent’s Thermal Detonator (67) or Infantry Grenades (17)?

    • Yes. You will deal the damage to an opponent’s characters and then discard the Thermal Detonator or Infantry Grenades.

    Can I use Cunning (65) to switch an opponent’s Sith Holocron (16) with a card in my hand?

    • No. You cannot have an opponent’s card in your hand or deck. The end result is that the Sith Holocron has no effect.

    Can I ignore spending 5 resources to trigger the special ability on Crime Lord (23) when I claim Rebel War Room (171)?

    • No. The Rebel War Room only ignores the resource cost printed on a die.

    Can I exhaust a card that has an action that I cannot fully resolve in order to stall the round? Like a Backup Muscle (99) with no damage on it or playing Noble Sacrifice (118) when I have no Blue characters.

    • You can use the action/play the card but it does not stall the round. Because the only effect when you used Backup Muscle or Noble Sacrifice was the card being exhausted or played, you are considered to have passed your turn.

    How does Cunning (65) interact with an opponent’s Black One (32)?

    • When you use the special ability on Cunning, you resolve it as if the card with the special ability you are using is your own. However, you do not ever remove the Black One die from your pool so you cannot resolve the replacement effect to reroll it.

    Can I use Sith Holocron (16) to switch an upgrade onto a Royal Guard (12)?

    • Yes. Switching an upgrade onto a character is not the same as playing one.

    Can I exhaust or play a card that has an action that I cannot fully resolve in order to stall the round? Like a Backup Muscle (99) with no damage on it or playing Noble Sacrifice (118) when I have no Blue characters.

    • Yes. Playing a card from your hand, even if it has no effect, removes a card from your hand and does not count as doing nothing. The same applies to exhausting a card or rerolling a die to its same side.

    What happens to a character’s dice that are still in the dice pool when they are readied again, like with Bala-Tik (19) or Leadership (141)? Are they removed? Are they rerolled when the character activates again?

    • If a character is readied, none of their dice are removed. If they activate again, then any dice that have been returned to the character are rolled in like normal, but nothing happens to their dice already in their pool.

    I have a Count Dooku (9) with 1 remaining health, and my opponent resolves a die showing 2 ranged damage against it. However, they also have an Admiral Ackbar (27) in play and before I take the damage I discard the last card in my hand to block one of the incoming damage. Can I then assign the 2 damage from Ackbar’s ability before the 2 ranged damage resolves, killing Dooku and dodging the 2 damage from the die?

    • When you resolve Count Dooku’s “Before” ability and discard the last card in your hand, Admiral Ackbar’s “After” ability is added to the queue. However, the 2 ranged damage die has already been added to the queue, and was just interrupted by the “Before” ability. Therefore, Ackbar’s ability enters the queue behind the 2 ranged damage. So the die will resolve, killing Dooku, and then you will have to take 2 damage on one of your other characters.

    What happens if I use Obi-Wan Kenobi’s before ability (37) with a Rejuvenate (132) or other healing effect? Does he remain in play since he no longer has damage on him equal to his health?

    • He does not remain in play. Obi-Wan Kenobi took damage equal to his health, and without a replacement effect there is no way to change this. Since a healing ability like Rejuvenate is not a replacement effect, Obi-Wan is set aside after the event he plays is resolved.

    If my opponent has a TIE Pilot (4) die and several other dice showing ranged damage, what happens if I play Dodge (155)?

    • Since Dodge removes all of the dice at the same time, only the TIE Pilot die is removed. Though if there are two different TIE Pilot dice in their pool, then all of their dice are protected from Dodge.

    Can I roll in a Blackmail (23) die and resolve it with Fast Hands (150) before an opponent can give me a resource to remove it?

    • Yes. The abilities are simultaneous so you can choose to resolve either one in order of your choice.

    I play a Z6 Riot Control Baton (8) on FN–2199 (2) and roll it into my pool. I roll a blank and then reroll it. Can I still resolve it per FN–2199’s ability?

    • You are not able to resolve it after rerolling. While resolving FN–2199’s ability, the “after” ability on the Z6 Riot Control Baton is added to the queue. But FN–2199’s ability must fully resolve before anything waiting in the queue can. If you choose to resolve the Baton die, its “after” ability would do nothing since the die is no longer in your pool. You can either resolve it or reroll it, not both.

    If I use Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (37) ability to play a Noble Sacrifice (118) from my discard pile before he is defeated, what happens? Can I play a second copy of Noble Sacrifice, and then another card off of the second Noble Sacrifice?

    • You can play a second copy of Noble Sacrifice. However, only one Noble Sacrifice has an effect. Before Obi-Wan Kenobi is defeated, you can trigger his ability to play a Noble Sacrifice. Then, before he is defeated from that Noble Sacrifice, you can play another copy of it since “Before” effects interrupt the game. Repeat this to then play any other Blue card you want from your discard pile or hand. Then the second Noble Sacrifice resolves, and Obi-Wan is defeated and you can choose and exhaust a character. However, the next Noble Sacrifice that resolves does nothing, since you can no longer defeat Obi-Wan; he is already defeated.

    Can I gain the resource from Outer Rim Smuggler (46) when I play Smuggling (134) to discard the last card from my hand?

    • No. The last card was not played from your hand, but discarded.

    Can I deal 2 damage from Palpatine’s (11) ability if I resolve one of his dice with Anger (71)?

    • No. Palpatine’s ability only works when the controller of Palpatine resolves one of his dice, not an opponent.

    If I use my action to claim Docking Bay (153), and I use it to play Outmaneuver (149), do I get the resource from Outmanuever?

    • No, you do not get the resource. The card was not in play when you claimed the battlefield, so its ability did not enter the queue.

    Can I discard a unique upgrade in play to play and lower the cost of another copy?

    • No. You cannot play a unique upgrade if you have another copy of it in play.

    Can I play Endurance (147) if my opponent removed one of my dice with Prized Possession (102) during their last turn?

    • No, you cannot play Endurance. The die is placed on Prized Possession and is therefore under your opponent’s control.

    If I resolve the special ability on Ascension Gun (59) to use the claim ability on Main Plaza (157), can I move damage from it or onto it?

    • Yes, Ascension Gun allows you to move damage from it or onto it.

    If a player plays Lure (154) and chooses Sabine Wren (40) and her “Before” ability plays a weapon with Ambush, who takes the first additional action?

    • The player that played Lure would take the first additional action. When Lure resolves, that additional action is created first, followed by Sabine Wren’s activation, and additional actions are taken in the order that they were created.

    For game effects, is zero considered an odd or even number?

    • Zero is an even number.

    Card clarifications

    This section provides you answers about specific cards.

    Awakenings ()

    Abandon All Hope (79)

    • Either option can be chosen, no matter how many resources or cards in hand a player has.

    Ace In The Hole (92)

    • Any inherent dice ability (this includes special abilities) on the die can still be resolved as normal.

    • Any non-inherent dice ability on the card that the die is associated with does not apply to the die.

    • Any non-special ability on the card that the die is associated with does not apply to the die.

    Boundless Ambition (80)

    • You can only draw cards with this until you have cards in your hand equal to your hand size.

    Crime Lord (23)

    • If the character with Crime Lord is defeated after Crime Lord’s ability is triggered, Crime Lord still triggers at the end of the round even if it is no longer in play.

    • Players lose from having no cards in their hand or deck before Crime Lord resolves at the end of the round.

    Count Dooku (9)

    • If a die is spent with a modified die, that is one source of damage and Count Dooku can only gain 1 shield.

    • If two or more non-modified dice are spent during the same action, Dooku could gain a shield for each one, because each die is resolved separately.

    Daring Escape (126)

    • After rerolling the dice, you remove all of your opponent’s dice showing blanks, even if they were not rerolled.

    Force Training (58)

    • You must pick two different options when resolving its special ability; you cannot pick the same ability twice.

    General Grievous (3)

    • General Grievous steals an upgrade before it can be redeployed.

    Hunker Down (164)

    • If shields block all melee damage that was dealt to a character with Hunker Down attached, then the character did not take any damage and keeps the upgrade.

    Hyperspace Jump (129)

    • Control of the battlefield does not change, even if the battlefield is switched out.

    • The claim ability of the battlefield is not used.

    Let The Wookie Win (130)

    • Either option can be chosen, even if there are fewer than 2 dice in the pool or no exhausted characters.

    Nightsister (12)

    • The Nightsister can reroll a die and then take the final damage to defeat herself.

    One With The Force (42)

    • When this card becomes a support, its die remains in the pool if it is already there. If it was not in the pool, then it moves from the character to the support.

    Padawan (36)

    • If you replace an upgrade on the Padawan in order to reduce the cost of a new weapon upgrade you are playing, the replaced upgrade stays on the Padawan until the new upgrade enters play. As such, the Padawan’s ability cannot decrease the cost of the new upgrade.

    Poe Dameron (29)

    • During the resolution of Poe’s special, if another special ability is chosen on the card that is discarded, that special fully resolves before the “Then” effect.

    Qui-Gon Jinn (37)

    • When Qui-Gon Jinn has max shields, you can still use his ability and remove one of them before gaining the new shield.

    Retreat (110)

    • “Then end the action phase” is a delayed effect that will occur after the additional action has been taken or after the opponent declines to act.

    Rey (38)

    • If you play an upgrade with Ambush on Rey, you may take two additional actions during your turn.

    Second Chance (137)

    • Second Chance is a replacement effect so if a character has two copies of Second Chance and would be defeated, only one copy resolves. The other one can no longer replace being defeated and stays attached to the character.
    • When healing with Second Chance, any excess damage that would be dealt to the character is ignored. Thus if the character is defeated by damage you always heal the character down to 5 damage less than its health.

    Sith Holocron (16)

    • You can switch cards that say “Blue character only” onto a character that is not Blue.

    • You do not pay any resources for switching to a new card.

    Surgical Strike (112)

    • You cannot remove zero dice to discard a support. If no dice are removed, then there is no value to reference.

    Spirit of Rebellion ()

    Asajj Ventress (9)

    Ascension Gun (59)

    • You can only use the ability on battlefields brought to the game as part of a player’s deck that are in the set-aside zone.

    Blackmail (23)

    • An opponent can give you one resource after each time you reroll Blackmail as well as roll it into your pool.

    C–3PO (30)

    • C–3PO does not allow you to resolve the die without paying its resource cost, nor does he allow you to ignore modifiers.
    • C–3PO can turn other dice into specials, at which point the value of the die does change to 0.

    Director Krennic (3)

    • The Deathtrooper die comes from your set-aside zone. If there is no Deathrooper die in your set-aside zone, then his ability does nothing.
    • If you are using Deathtroopers in your team then you must have additional Deathtrooper dice to use with Krennic.

    Carbon-Freezing Chamber (151)

    • You can choose a character die that is not in a dice pool.

    Cargo Hold (152)

    • You can move an upgrade to a character that has 3 upgrades, but one of the upgrades has to be discarded.

    • Moving upgrades ignores play restrictions.

    Fn–2199 (2)

    • If you do not resolve the weapon die rolled in with his ability immediately, then it stays in your pool until resolved or removed, as per the normal rules.

    Force Illusion (135)

    • If you discard less cards than the amount of damage being dealt (by running out of cards in your deck), then none of the damage is blocked.

    • You can choose whether Force Illusion or shields block damage first.

    Force Lightning (14)

    • Force Lightning can remove an opponent’s blank ().

    Momentum Shift (129)

    • If all of your characters already have their maximum number of shields, then you cannot move a shield.

    My Ally Is The Force (105)

    • You can turn a die showing a focus to another one of its sides.

    Premonitions (131)

    • If your opponent has a copy of Premonitions in their set aside zone, you can play the card on it for free, and then discard it to their discard pile. You cannot look at their card before you play Premonitions.
    • If there is a play restriction that prevents the card from being played, discard it to its owner’s discard pile.

    Salvo (121)

    • If the die has a resource cost, you pay the cost one time, but deal the damage to each character.

    Training (125)

    • The second die comes from your set-aside zone. If you do not have another of that character’s die, then this ability does nothing.
    • Playing a second copy of Training on a character does nothing, as the character is already elite.
    • The die from Training is also that character’s die. If Training ever leaves play, the controller of the character chooses which of its dice is set aside.

    Empire At War ()

    Ahsoka Tano (31)

    • You must pay for dice from upgrades on her as well.

    Ancient Lightsaber (49)

    • When this upgrade’s action is used, place it on the bottom of its owner’s deck.

    Battle of Wills (128)

    • If multiple players are tied for the lowest combined value, remove all character dice just rolled by each tied player.

    Coercion (81)

    • If the player cannot pay for the event (or fulfill any play restrictions on it), then they do not have to play it and can take any action they wish.
    • Even if the event has no effect, a player must play it and resolve as much of it as possible (provided they fulfill any play restrictions listed on the card).
    • Passing is not an action so a player can choose to pass their turn instead of taking an action. The next time they would take an action that round, they must still play the chosen event, if able.

    EMP Grenades (58)

    • This special ability cannot discard a droid character from play.

    General Hux (2)

    • The special ability counts each character you have in play, not any of your defeated characters.

    Grand Inquisitor’s Lightsaber (15)

    • When resolving this special, you can reroll it instead of removing it from your pool even if you did not turn a character die to a blank.

    Hutt Ties (85)

    • Either option can be chosen, even if a player does not have any resources or dice.

    ID–9 Seeker Droid (13)

    • This ability is an inherent die ability.
    • The value of this die is constantly checked and will decrease whenever another ID9 Seeker Droid die leaves your pool.

    Kanan Jarrus (33)

    • You do not have to declare what action you are taking before using Kanan’s ability.

    Mace Windu (34)

    • Shields do not affect remaining health.

    Magnaguard (3)

    • Even if this character is healed after its ability triggers, it will still be defeated at the end of the round.
    • You can still deal damage to this character once it has 8 damage on it, just any excess damage over that is ignored.
    • This character’s ability does not alter how a player distributes damage “as they wish”.

    Port District (159)

    • If you decrease the cost of the upgrade being played below 3, or play it for free, then it does not gain ambush.

    Running Interference (115)

    • After taking an action, using two copies of this support on the same opponent will only prevent them from taking that action on their next turn that round, not their next two turns.
    • This ability only triggers and can be used on one of the six actions listed on page 13. Card abilities that are similar to actions, such as resolving dice with Maz Kanata (45), cannot be used to trigger Running Interference.
    • A player choosing to pass on their turn is considered to have taken a turn and the delayed effect of Running Interference will expire at the end of that turn.

    Legacies ()

    Cantina Brawl (148)

    • Players can keep repeating this effect as long as they discard a card from their hand.

    Doctor Aphra (20)

    • You cannot draw a card from an opponent’s card or die effect that deals indirect damage to you.

    Greedo (21)

    • This ability is self-referential; you only roll dice that are on his card into your pool. His dice that are already in your pool do not get rerolled.

    Hasty Exit (153)

    • You must control the battlefield in order to give control of it to an opponent.

    Jar Jar Binks (47)

    • The first ability is considered a “Use a card action.”
    • If the second ability resolves and Jar Jar Binks has none of his character dice in a pool, then all dice will be rerolled.

    Maul (2)

    • Maul’s ability does not trigger if a special ability on a die removes his dice because special abilities are inherent dice abilities, not card effects.

    Rebel Traitor (22)

    • The opponent chooses which of their characters to activate.

    Resilient (135)

    • Resilient’s ability does not trigger if a special ability on a die removes that character’s dice because special abilities are inherent dice abilities, not card effects.

    Unbreakable (105)

    • This ability can remove a die showing a value of 0 if your characters have no shields.

    Vandalize (156)

    • You do not remove any of your character dice to discard a support or upgrade that costs 0 from play.