FN' Death Troopers and Their Endless Ranks

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Double Blanks Gaming- Jay 2232

Hey guys, Jay again!

This is my first version of this deck, I definitely haven't settled on this deck list, this is just what I am running right now and will probably eventually change.

This deck is so much fun to play and is very strong. I never really thought about trying this character combo but then my father tried it and that is when it really sparked my interest.

So, the main focus of this deck is redeploy weapons, Endless Ranks, and Aftermath. This character combo has 31 health... let me repeat 31 health. That is A LOT, but it gets better. Pull off 2 Endless Ranks and this deck now has 51 health! How do you get the resources for a 5 cost Endless Ranks you ask? Well Aftermath of course! Aftermath generates so many resources for a deck list this, even if you only get one out. Well if you don't get your aftermaths then you're screwed. Yes, that's a good argument but you can say that for any deck that requires good draws. Besides, even without Aftermath, just resolve the few resource sides that you do roll. I think this deck can do well against Poe/Maz as well because of the high health on every character AKA a couple Thermals and a U-Wing or Rocket Launcher doesn't kill a low health character.

The mulligan- obviously Aftermath won't do much for you early but if you can guarantee getting out then that is probably a good idea. Endless ranks is obviously something you don't want until mid to late game. Any 2 cost weapons are welcome in the starting hand. Great cards to have early would be Cannon Fodder and The Best Defense... because they help keep FN alive. Everyone will be smart enough to go for FN first. Flank is also usually better early on when you have 3 characters alive still. Wingman is a solid choice to keep as well.

Strategy- Well there isn't much, just slap weapons on FN until he dies to do as much damage as possible and try to give him redeploys just before he falls so they can go to a Death Trooper. Once he dies you want to save up resources and continue to try and get redeploy weapons. Once the first Death Trooper dies you will hopefully have an Aftermath out or 2 and get those resources while your weapons redeploy to you other DT. After that you Endless Ranks ASAP. Now you have 2 again and once the other one falls your Weapons redeploy again; then you do the same thing- bouncing your redeploys around from DT to DT. This is such an amazing play.

That is pretty much it! Let me know what you guys think and what I can change to make this deck better! Also, check out my gameplay of this deck list. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRW9CiV_X5o

2 commentaires

jeremyeagles 10

The aftermath and endless ranks combo is very intriguing. I think a little tuning to deal with certain threats could make it a lot stronger.

I'm not so sure this deck would play well against crime lord decks with 2x sabotage. maybe add in 2x probe to try and get rid of tricky yellow events? Also not so sure vibroknife is doing much work in this deck. And as great as rocket launcher is, your money is pretty tied up in this deck so you are depending on imperial war machine too much. maybe instead of vibroknife, some cards to gain resources would be nice.

IMO, this deck would be destroyed against Krennic / jabba with imperial inspection, disarm, etc. Without upgrades or money coming in or a way to retrieve discarded upgrades, you will see your life slipping away as krennic smiles coldly at you. starship graveyard? maybe prepare for war or undying loyalty?

BlaackSanta 3

Have you tested out drudge work. Drudge work seems like it would really smooth out your resources