Emo Kids - Store Championship Winner

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Emo Kids with Meditate 0 0 0 1.0
Emo Kids 1 1 0 1.0

Kr0ozin 1292

I feel like there are a bunch of versions of this deck floating around, so I won't write out a whole guide, but if enough people want one, I'll be happy to add it!

My biggest point to make here is I see a lot of people play Vibroknife turn 1 with this game. While it's a great upgrade, this deck really relies on spending money on either removal or resolving your damage sides. Be proactive with your removal, and don't be afraid to pitch to reroll a lot!

2 commentaires

Ion87 25

Any recommendations for replacing 1 Force Speed and Trust Your Instincts?

Kr0ozin 1292

@Ion87Trust Your Instincts is easily replaced with Boundless Ambition, as it serves a similar purpose in getting you more cards for re-roll fodder.

Force Speed is more difficult to replace, but I would tend to go toward cheap events, to keep the cost curve down. Force Strike, High Ground, Rejuvenate, and Use The Force are all solid choices.