Grand Mother

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Grand Mother 2 2 0 2.0
Trilogies Talkin 4 2 0 1.0

wadeaustinellis 81

Stepped away from the game for about six months and sold the bulk of my cards. First build since hopping back on the wagon.

7 commentaires

kalzarunshackled 8

Spell of Removal and Nightsister Coven are must haves in a Mother build. This is a powerful set-up, you've made a good choice for building into.

edwardrekishi 168

Worth having a #Feint or two for Talzin?

wadeaustinellis 81

@kalzarunshackled added Spell of Removal and it came in super handy last night, going to test Nightsister Coven in some play this week. Had one match up where someone was showing 5 blanks on me and had that "oh, well Coven would would be tight right now" thought

wadeaustinellis 81

@edwardrekishi Possibly, not sure. Will add for some testing

kalzarunshackled 8

Nightsister Coven kind of works like something like Double-Dealing in the sense of drawing it. Awesome opener, still good turns 2-3, pretty bad late. Since it's less reliable than a deck hinging on Double-Dealing, but it adds up, butyou may be offensive enough to forgo Nightsister Coven

Ackoogin 8

How are you resourcing this? I was running this sort of thing at my my regionals and Holocron package and/or Chance Cube seems mandatory to me.

wadeaustinellis 81

@Ackoogin I added logistics to the deck in v 2.0 and that helped a little but my problem with Holocron and Chance Cube is .... i don't own them haha I basically made this deck from the two boxes of Legacies I bought last weekend and then some hand me downs from a friend