No Dice Villains- MD Regionals 4-3

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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rufusmcdufus 46

Aurra Sing - Deadly Shot and Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch are a scary duo that can put out a ton of damage consistently. This build shies away from dice upgrades in instead focuses on direct damage. All 30 cards in the deck cost 1 meaning Talzin's ability and Witch Magick will never miss. Ever.

This deck is extremely aggressive often trading its own health (and it has a tiny health pool of 19) for guaranteed damage. The deck runs 6 damage reduction/healing cards and 6 dice manipulation cards to help it stay alive just long enough to finish off its opponent.

While the deck lacks upgrade dice, Aurra and Talizin's dice combined have a potential to do 10 damage and you guaranteed at least a 3. On average the pair gets 6-7 damage per round and can use Endurance to protect its dice as needed. It is important to play around mitigation as much as possible, especially Easy Pickings. Since the deck has no modified sides or paysides, you do not need to leave damage sides in your dice pool and you should resolve them before attempting to reroll/activate another char/focus.

The deck will always play 2 of its cards and normally discard 2 to Aurra each round. This leaves you with only 1 card for rerolls which is one of the reasons the deck does not play dice upgrades. Instead, it plays Hate Jedi Rival, Cantina Brawl, Frighten, and Backup Muscle all of which are guaranteed damage/shield removal to keep chipping away at your opponent.

The last component to this deck is a lot of anti-meta cards. Vandalize, Coercion, and Sabotage. When you need these cards they are fantastic, when you don't you feed them to Aurra's ability. Vandalize doesn't need any explanation. Coercion is in the deck for BrOTK and to a lesser extent Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert(can hit a Never Tell Me The Odds before your opponent rolls out). Sabotage is primarily there as vandalizes 3 and 4 to make sure Running Interference doesn't stay on the board. It also can take out C-3POand is obviously good against hero vehicles.

5 commentaires

cjnj193 265

Wow not even a Hunting Rifle. Also figured you might try Now I Am The Master for some soft removal

rufusmcdufus 46

Hunting Rifle was considered but resources are very tight and the payside is problematic. Also, the deck normally doesn't want to discard for rerolls so the rifle will whiff a lot.

Hate is a better pay 1 resource and always get 1 damage that can't be mitigated and isn't costing you an action each round.

FMBinks 21

I recognize this deck and it's owner. It's a good one that he's been playing for a few months. Glad to see you went 4-3 with it yesterday

rufusmcdufus 46

With the changes to Running Interference and Maul's Lightsaber, Coercion can be cut. I feel that OTK will make up a smaller percentage of the meta and this card was in the deck almost solely for that matchup. With the change to Running Interference it is possible that Sabotage can also come out, but I would keep it in if you expect to face Hero Mill (red versions) or Vehicles. I would replace these cards with additional mitigation,

rufusmcdufus 46

I've been testing 2x High Ground and 2x No Survivors in the spot of Sabotage and Coercion. No Survivors has been solid, in the same way as Cantina Brawl. Direct damage events mess with your opponents math and bypasses their mitigation. I know they look like bad cards.

Cutting Sabotage may have been a mistake as I am now struggling with the Vehicles match up. This match up used to be pretty decent as pitching 2 or 3 cards to take out their first vehicle normally slowed them down enough that I would win the damage race.