Papercuts: Red Version. Store Championship 1st place 4-0

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Quick Jabs 7 7 5 1.0
Piett/2x Super Commando 3 2 2 1.0

aasenb 685

I ended up winning my 2nd store championship with this deck on 7/28/18. The first was won with this deck, Chatting on a local discord server led me to this Piett version, created by Henry, also known as @arroz_con_mango on discord. Thanks a bunch for this list Henry. This was at Tacoma Games, with a 10 person store championship, no cut, 4 rounds swiss. Both wins had low-ish turnout but the level of play was good, with each having at least 2 regional top-8 players.

Fundamentally, it's very similar to my Talzin deck (linked above). Both have plenty of cards to trigger the Mandalorian Super Commando Power Action and also tremendous consistency for rolls. Talzin fixes bad rolls, Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral lets you set both Mando dice to a value of 1. I'm fairly sure the math is similar on both, since typically Talzin is going to set one of them to a 2, but Piett lets you set them both at 1.

I won an SC with Talzin, so I figured I had nothing to lose piloting this version with Piett, plus red gives me access to DH-17 Blaster Pistol and The Best Defense..., two fantastic cards. Probe is also one of my favorite red cards.

Game 1: Brennan, running Leia/Yoda mill. (his deck here: Brennan was top8 in the Seattle regional last year.

Leia/Yoda mill is disgustingly good, i'm sure folks are starting to figure that out. This came down to the wire, but the Mandalorian Vambraces saved my bacon, with them being able to sneak around mill and also do damage. I had one card left in my deck. Brennan finished 2nd.

Game 2: Shane, also playing Leia/Yoda mill.

This game started off really bad for me, Hit-and-Run into Commando Raid to snatch 4 from my hand, including a Vambraces. I eventually was able to kill Leia with a sneaky Relentless Pursuit, and afterward pinged Yoda via power actions and backup muscle enough to get the W. Mill is really good right now. Shane finished 4th.

Game 3: Alex, eRex 2x Clone Trooper

This deck was super scary. He was able to get Rex's Blaster on Rex turn one, and also managed to get Wingman on a clone trooper to activate all of his characters, and roll 2 dice every round. I was lucky enough to get enough damage on Rex to take him out, then it was fairly smooth sailing after that. He ended up getting 3rd place, great deck.

Game 4: Lucas, eDJ ePhasma2.

I really wasn't sure how to go about playing this deck, since both characters are fairly solid in their own rights, but decided to get DJ out of the way due to his passive being so consistent. I also felt my deck was in a good place against him, since the majority of the damage I'm dealing is 1 or 2, removal tends to feel very inefficient against low damage sides. Again, Papercuts is the best name for what these decks are doing to you. I took DJ out with a #relentless, which always feels fantastic, and Phasma had already sustained some damage when I left DJ at 9/11 health and moved toward her. My opponent wasn't quite sure what I was planning until I sprung the trap after he used #risky and gave me the chance to seal the deal with the Relentless after mitigating some of his damage and a free ambush.

My other deck has taken off in popularity on here and again if you have any questions about this deck, how to play it, please post a comment and i'll respond as quickly as I can. Same with the Talzin version, tons of consistency and damage with these decks. 27 health starting is no joke, you can outlast a lot of aggro with the HP and cards like Armor Plating and Plastoid Armor. Try to mulligan for a dh-17 and something free like a Quickdraw Holster or Plastoid Armor to get some ping damage on early. Piett to focus both Mandalorians to 1 or melee was awesome and puts your opponent on a lot of pressure.

34 commentaires

Savage281 1

I'm convinced that Profitable Connection is a big deal. I'm going to try a few decks: 3 Mando, 1Piett w/ 2 Mando, and Force Sensitive Outcast and 2 Mando... All with the plot. See how successful it is and then end up running eTalzin or ePiett anyways xD

triplenine 8

Why are you choosing to use E-11 Blaster and not some of the ambush two-point weapons?

Savage281 1

E-11 Blaster is good, but I personally would use LL-30 Blaster Pistol over the DH-17 Blaster Pistol

aasenb 685

@triplenine I certainly might explore different options for a 2-drop. Holdout might be fine in this deck. The ambush might be pretty good actually. LL-30 Blaster Pistol would be very good and it may soon find it's way in. That being said the 2 damage side on this was very helpful with Piett on occasion.

@Savage281 I'm definitly going to look into using LL-30, there wasn't any sort of agenda regarding the E-11 over anything else, like I pointed out I didn't create this deck, I just borrowed the decklist from an acquaintance since it was so similar to one I had just won a store championship with last week. DH-17 Blaster Pistol has to stay in, it's so good for 1, and it's the ideal upgrade in the opening hand.

whozeppelin224 15

congrats on the win again! I think the addition of Relentless Pursuit is an awesome one and I was trying to figure out a way to fit it into your Talzin version, but with it not being odd, seemed out of place there. Just feel like with all the Snoke Power actions running around right now, it can surprise some people move damage around like that.

aasenb 685

@whozeppelin224 yup it's such a good card now that indirect is really taking off. I secured two big kills with it today. Love that the way it functions is unblockable.

Razelll 244

@aasenb lol You win an SC so you play a fun deck, and then win another.

sent3nced 1

@aasenb I tried your other list with Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch, ended 3rd but it was better than expected. One of the few changes I made, was to include the Slave I instead of a Relby, and it became the mvp. I don't know, maybe a Planetary Bombardment and Delve would work here, what do you think? Thanks and congrats!

aasenb 685

@sent3ncedwell done on the 3rd! Slave 1 interesting option, did you use the power action with any regularity? I don't think planetary even with delve would really work with this deck. Getting too far see way from what it's trying to do I think. With Poett I wasn't too flush with cash, with Talzin if I was rich enough to afford a 3 drop I had mostly won already ;)

sent3nced 1

@aasenb oh yes, the PA on the Slave was actually the best of it. The extra die was good, but that "extra" mitigation was great. My matches were Cad/Snoke, Luke3/Rey2, Kylo/Anakin, Bala/Mother/FOST and in the top Yoda/Cassian/Ani. I considered 0-0-0 and BT-1, but I didn't want to mess with Mother's ability, maybe it's possible in this version. Maybe you're right about Planetary, I just want to force throw that 7 to someone lol

aasenb 685

@sent3ncedoh ok nice. Yeah I should give that a whirl. I love the Relby tho. It's action is basically force wave and nobody expects it.

Intellectx 283

Have you considered chance cube in this deck?

aasenb 685

@Intellectx yes, my other version makes heavy use of it, This red version is not as strapped for money as the Talzin deck, and I don't feel it was as important here. It certainly is a good card to use with the Mandalorians and their power action.

chazz 157

Tried this deck out in my latest TTS game if anyone is keen to see how it runs. Just remember. Piett can change up BOTH your Commmando die. Not just one! Since testing it out I've added some chance cubes into the deck and am tossing up on which 3 cost upgrade to include to give it some end game 'oomph'.

Savage281 1

Is Chance Cube really necessary? I feel like Quickdraw Holster and Mandalorian Vambraces get it done well. Add E-11 Blaster and LL-30 Blaster Pistol for redeploy and the rest is just icing... DH-17 Blaster Pistol and Hidden Blaster are good adds. Maybe Armor Plating to mitigate some damage.

aasenb 685

@Savage281 this deck runs lean enough on events and upgrade costs that you don't really need Chance Cube. That upgrade is almost certainly required in the Talzin version since it's all odd-costed. Chance cube does make the power action must easier though, since you can play it but then pull it back to your hand on activation. In my current tweaks for this deck, I have dropped E-11 for LL-30 Blaster Pistol.

Stormclad 1

@aasenbWith Piett's ability, were you not worried about easy pickings and other removal? Did you feel that Piett brought more to the table than Talzin?

Savage281 1

I'm thinking about trying it with Tactical Mastery to roll Piett in, and resolve the changed dice before mitigation can get them...

aasenb 685

@Stormclad yeah it's certainly susceptible to that, I'm lucky in that I didn't see any yellow hero on the day. You could mix it up and change them to different damage to get around it. Honestly I'm really torn about whether I like Talzin or Piett. Going to keep playing them both and tweaking them. Much easier to deck build without considering odds or evens, but the blue removal is much better currently. I vastly prefer Talzin to Piett, as far as having Ranged or Indirect. Relentless Pursuit helped a lot with closing kills with indirect but I could see having problems long term against 3 or 4 wide with Piett. Talzin you can burst much better.

aasenb 685

@Savage281 yeah for sure a good way to do it. I didn't mind how slow the deck was tbh, plus it seemed like nobody wanted to mitigate my 1damage dice lol. Tactical is a lot of fun to sneak stuff in.

Savage281 1

@aasenb would you consider Relentless Pursuit as being very necessary with a Piett Commando deck?

aasenb 685

@Savage281 absolutely, fundamentally critical. They're going to put the indrect on the guys you aren't trying to kill. Get the one you want dead close enough and you move it over. Can't be blocked and ignores shields.

Savage281 1

@aasenb did your opponents go after Piett first? Was that more, or less successful than going after the Mandos. I'm not a fan of The Best Defense... but I suppose at least one copy is worth including! Lol

aasenb 685

@Savage281 they usually just pick a Mandalorian ha. The early ping damage maybe spooks them. Best defense is clutch.

Savage281 1

@aasenb do you just dump that damage on Piett then?

Ramin2-D2 550

with the indirect damage, no Crackdown or Battle Fatigue ? and was Backup Muscle useful?

Savage281 1

I have Crackdown in my version. Even if I'm moving some around, I can leave one behind!

aasenb 685

@Ramin2-D2 crackdown is not very useful in this deck, frankly I don't think it's a good card. Backup Muscle is 3 unlockable damage for 1 resource, yes it's useful :)

Savage281 1

I misspoke before. It is Battle Fatigue that I have in mine, for removal. Not Crackdown, which I agree isn't a very good card.

Nelp 43

When discussing the vambraces in game 1, you said they are able to sneak around mill. What do you mean by this? Or are you saying that they weren't milled and thats why you won?

aasenb 685

@Nelp you can cycle them between your hand and characters with the action on the card.

Savage281 1

The new mill decks have discard sides though, so you'll still be milled. It can help though :-)

General Vatutin 26

Any new changes besides the lol-30s

aasenb 685

@General Vatutin haven't been playing this deck actually much. Went back to Blue and other decks. I think it's pretty well optimized with the ll30, but I would like to hear any ideas you have to try.