Jyn Erso-lo

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Jyn Erso-lo 14 9 28 2.0

Hoss-Drone 109

just a total screw around. obviously inferior to sabine but if you want to do this but in a casual, league or instructional setting.

6 commentaires

Mr_Chip 58

While that may be true... with Jyn's ability and CiF - you can play a three cost for free... that is absolutely insane when you think of it. This would be super fun to play and I bet you win a few games as well!

Hoss-Drone 109

@Mr_Chip it's been fun to play. It's grindy so it stays in the game with all the healing and discarding. I can come on your podcast and we can talk about it. Talk out how to make it better. :)

Hoss-Drone 109

@cracalacin do maybe add gungan, then switch the decorative to two impersonates so I can kill him fast? Hmmmm

Scactha 888

Add a Jawa, Under Attack and Dangerous Maneuver for some extra hp mehaps? You´re still paying 1 for Reversals :D

Hoss-Drone 109

@Scactha thanks for the idea! I'm gonna try out these ideas for sure. My only issue is that turn 1, action 1 tenacity for 0 then action 2 ascension gun is great too. :)