When knights were bold

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
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Patpatine 195

3 commentaires

Patpatine 195

Feedback appreciated

DarthVaderRocks 112

Interesting thought. Right now, I’m putting together a Yoda/qui gon deck that I thin may be the better option for the new qui gon. However, I like where you’re going with this. I don’t know how useful force jump is going to be for you. Tell me how it performs. I definitely agree with force lift! It’s going to be an auto include in any blue deck now that we have such a support heavy meta. I don’t know how often you are going to be able to play emulate.

Overall I like it. Good job!

Patpatine 195

@DarthVaderRocks, Thanks, the Emulate is a local thing as half the people here use two non-unique characters and one unique. also, using Jedi Temple Guard is for the guardian ability to keep Qui-gon alive and also for the extra damage, this isn't a mill, it is a semi-shield aggro deck. Don't know if that's a thing, but anyways.