Outer Rim | Vader/Greedo Top 4 Birmingham Regional

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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OuterRimSmugglers 89

This deck was piloted to a Top 4 finish at the Birmingham Regional on Jan. 12th by the Outer Rim's own Joseph Rowe. He finished swiss 6-1 and lost in Top 4 to a Vader/Greedo mirror match.

His MVP card was Unyielding in multiple games. In his final swiss match he was able to defeat Thrawn who had not one but two Force Illusions on the table. Helped secure his spot in the Top 8 cut.

He ran 2 Disable during this event due to the possible amount of vehicles run at the event. Going forward those would be taken out and replaced with more mitigation cards or a 2nd Darth Vader's Lightsaber.

Joseph ultimately lost to the eventual Regional champion in a hard fought BO3 series but congrats on the great run!

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