PadMega's Entourage 2.0

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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PadMEGA's Entourage 4 3 2 1.0
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Toek 27

Switched out some cards from my original version.

Swapping an Enfys Nest's Marauder for Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore gives the deck a better die for ressource ramping and an additional leader trait to spot for Megablaster Troopers. But you give up the second copy of Megablaster Troopers. You still have Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship and the Entourage package to pump out damage (with all scoundrels in play, specials on Entourage can still have a value of 5). And with all the focus dice around, it's relatively easy to resolve the specials on Entourage.

As an addition for resourcegeneration and damagedealing i included Senate Chamber (as focus sides can resolved as indirect damage with Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator ability). Tech Team helps to get out your supports faster (potential 10 targets).

Resistance Ring as a new addition has helpful resourcesides and allows you to play your red event suite twice. Which means more healing (Field Medic, First Aid) and removal (Rout, Crash Landing). Crash Landing also helps to keep Padmé alive for cheap. If you can get Bubble Shields out, even better.

As suggested in the comments of my prior version, I swapped Rendezvous for Impulsive, as you can setup huge unmitigatable damge spikes, when playing Impulsive on a 3 focus side.

I took Flee the Scene over Into The Garbage Chute for fluff/artwork reasons, playing it with satine. These 2 cards do exactly the same but with different downsides. I guess the downside of Into The Garbage Chute is more negligible, which makes it probably the better choice. You could also switch this removal slot for Suppressive Fire.

With a 28 points characters health pool, Riot Shield, Bubble Shield, the heal recursion (First Aid, Field Medic), mass removal (Easy Pickings, Flee the Scene, Rout), this deck is extremely tanky. Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship can dish out some shields too.

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