Reylo? More like ReyPoe

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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R3P2 29 18 13 1.0
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PopQuiz 83

R3P2 just doesn't have as nice of a ring to it.

3 commentaires

magnumchops 13

I've seen a few other lists with this pairing and I like this one the most. I'm going to try to find a way to include Electromagnetic Pulse for the inevitable droid matches and see how it does this weekend!

PopQuiz 83

@magnumchops Awesome! Good call on Electromagnetic Pulse. One of the thing I struggled finding is solid removal, and Pulse in this meta is a really good include. Would appreciate a report back if you end up playing it this weekend. Good luck and roll those specials!

magnumchops 13

@PopQuiz Always a struggle. But you have to remember that several of your upgrades provide shields, block damage, turn dice, etc so there's some soft mitigation in that. I'll report back and let you know if any other changes end up getting made.