The cows have come home.

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
funsies 0 0 0 1.0
Shielded by ReyLo'Mance 0 0 0 1.0
Blue Milk Udderings 2 1 6 1.0
Jedi! 0 0 0 1.0

JeriRyan 28

This is the base of the deck I have been tinkering with ever since everyone said this card was trash.. I wanted to prove people wrong and I've actually have had surprising amount of success with it in various incarnations.

6 commentaires

thE_MAndAlORiAn 84

both Jedi Knights are elite, right? also, great deck!

JeriRyan 28

@thE_MAndAlORiAnYeah, they are Elite and thanks! It was really fun playing with them and I had hoped to use them in the Icelandic Prime on the 29th of Feb.

I've tested different versions, one with less upgrades and added Qui Gon's spirit and R2D2 support and noman mastery.. that also tested well, took down Reylo.. I think the Jedi Knights are better then people think even though they might not be tier1.. just starting with 2 shields each for the transfer shield to remove a for event, and having that battlefield that only benefits you.. and if you don't start with your battlefield then having 3 shields on each character isn't bad and not to mention if you can get down defensive teachings and then loth wolf bond in is super fun, specially if you can start strike after that.. all in all a fun deck to play with.

dicecommando 106

Heck yes, prove me wrong!

Also, loved you in Voyager.

MaimVoorhees 99

I like this idea. I really want 2 Niman Mastery in here though. Maybe pull Stand Firm for them? I’ll have to explore this idea when the set releases! Nice work!

JeriRyan 28

@dicecommandoyou were totally the inspiration for making this deck.. go Commando!

@MaimVoorhees The versions with Niman are definitely better ones.

siwelnivek 32

@MaimVoorheesand @JeriRyan, I would pull the 2 Stand Firm and use 2 Force Focus instead. It's more budget-friendly, and it does (basically) the same thing.