12 Daice of Poemas

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Labbes 1

12 points of health left

11 special die sides

10 cards a-manipulating

9 things for damage

8 games a-tested

7 hero ranged sides

6 guns a-blazing

5 legendaries

4 red events

3-resource falcons

2 exploding thermals

And an ace pilot with company!

Basic idea is to load upgrades, prevent Poe from dying and do damage in the meantime. I am not a huge fan of combo so most things are still usable without Poe special. Notable exceptions are Falcon, which you can play for 3 resources with Poe special (by choosing the resource side) and Thermal which is really expensive otherwise. Throwing Thermals for 9 or 12 damage is the best feeling in the world, and you can even get it back with Scavenge. This is very much still a deck in testing so there might be anti meta cards worth including to shore up the decks weaknesses, like Shoot First.

So there you go with a fun midrange Poe deck that can include a lot of anti-meta cards depending on what you expect or hate to lose against. Enjoy and merry christmas!

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