Worst Deck Possible

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

NotANinja 1

Specially made for a tournament where you play against your own deck every match, and receive your opponents deck to play with. Everyone has to build the worst possible deck they can think of.


  • 27 points of characters, of which at least one needs to have a damage side
  • at least 10 cards with a die

We played a casual/fun tournament yesterday; 6 players. This deck got first place (winning the grand prize: Sleeves that say: "This is a good card"). Afterwards I've made some improvements resulting in this list.

2 commentaires

NotANinja 1

Win conditions:

  • max 4 damage per round
  • max 2 discard each turn

RjFx4 76

wow, this is really bad, I would change all of it if I were you.