Luke and Rey know that... The Force is Strong

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Luke and Rey know that... The Force is Strong 0 0 0 1.0
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milogert 88

Tested this with Admiral Ackbar rather than Rey to use Promotion but I don't think that's the way to go. First, it thins the deck of targets for The Force is Strong and second Rey has (1) more health and (2) much better action advantage.


Starship Graveyard

Used to return upgrades back to your deck. This deck is sort of a midrange combo so you you have a chance to claim occasionally. The bonus with this one is that when your opponent claims there is a super low chance they will want to take advantage of it.

A second choice for battlefield might be Echo Base. If you find that you are claiming much earlier than your opponent you can make it harder for them to hurt you. Keep in mind though, they may pass up re-rolling to claim this one.


You will note, I have two Rey and a single Luke Skywalker . The goal of that is twofold: (1) make it harder for your opponent to pick which character to focus. If Luke Skywalker had two it would be obvious. And (2) to provide more in case The Force is Strong doesn't get online.

Luke Skywalker

He has good dice and his ability powers The Force is Strong. The , , and also are in line with the rest of the deck in that we have lots of cards, are needed to keep him and Rey alive, and can be used to manually play cards when you are unable to activate The Force is Strong.


The best part about her is her action advantage. We have tons of upgrades and those slot onto Rey nicely. Additionally her and sides gel with Luke and the high cost upgrades we have, respectively.


Most of these upgrades are here for the obvious reasons (i.e. what do they do best?). But they are also in duplicates for The Force is Strong.

Force Protection

Keeps Luke Skywalker and Rey alive better. This deck suffers from a lack of health.

Force Throw

Strong removal.

Force Training

A good early upgrade that you can overwrite with ease. All of it's sides synergize well with the deck.

Jedi Robes

Keeps Luke Skywalker and Rey alive better. Also a good candidate for overwriting with other things in the event that The Force is Strong is not online yet.


General purpose upgrade. Pretty much all it's sides are relevant and useful in the deck.

Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber

Currently this card is only a one-of. That's because I only have one. If I get another one of these or One with The Force, I will replace the other with the duplicate. Preferably replacing this with One with The Force.

In terms of utility, this card is just a better Lightsaber, especially with the .

One with The Force

Again, a one-of. Hopefully Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber will get replaced with a second one of these though.

This card is just value. It's almost better than Rey.


It Binds All Things

This is in here as a backup to The Force is Strong. Pretty much a staple in mono-blue.

Jedi Council

This helps to get The Force is Strong online. Cards to dig for include The Force is Strong if you do not have that or duplicates of stuff in your hand if The Force is Strong is already out.

The Force is Strong

The namesake of the deck. Get this out ASAP and cheat stuff in. It's a pretty straight forward card.



Play when you are in trouble or they roll blanks.


Dice removal. This one is nice since it's generally a three swing (i.e. save two points to you and deal one to them).

Mind Trick

removal here.

Return of the Jedi

This gets cards back from your discard pile to your hand. Useful for The Force is Strong.

Use The Force

removal here.


Healing for your Jedi. Also really great to kill someone with this. Remember, the damage is moved not dealt so it bypasses .

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