Duke Ventress

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Gameslayer989 437

A very fast deck full of cheap upgrades to get plenty of dice out early, and then swing for massive damage. However the deck has a big flaw: 19 base health. If you can get amazing early draws, getting your upgrades, you should be able to easily do 8-10 damage a turn. Just try to kill the other guy before he kills you, and don't get paired up against a Vader or Jango that can also do 9 damage a turn, or else you die. For extra health, consider the larger health pool of SoR vader Kylo, but they have sides that cost resources and as such are much weaker with no mercy and power of the force

SEe the deck in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KloDrB310JA

3 commentaires

stingzor 13

I made something that's close to yours, but I switched to a more mid range / late game deck with Isolation, Parry (tried Block) and also, Dark Presence is kinda pointless there, it shines early game but you only have two discard sides (in the beginning), I'd remove it. And also, I'd switch the battlefield to Secluded Beach - Scarif. Another great addition is Lure of Power, that card breaks things

TheoGrizz 29

Sometimes I like a card a lot and really want to make it work in places it doesn't necessarily belong. I'm not sure if that's what Dark Presence is here for you, but I do agree with @stingzor that it is not necessary. I mean, it's free, yes; and the only time it slows you down is when you put it into play, true. But by including it you're saying that out of all the free cards that don't take additional actions to utilize, you want this one.

Close Quarters Assault, Doubt, Enrage, Intimidate, Manipulate, Premonitions, Pulling the Strings, Rejuvenate, Take Cover, The Price of Failure, Trust Your Instincts; would you prefer to use any of these?

Because a third of your starting sides are , and you have Ventress, Close Quarters Assault could fit, even though most of your upgrades aren't adding sides. If none of your upgrades with sides are in play, you get a 40% chance to discard 1 card, and a 41% chance to discard 2 or more. With a Makashi Training or a Vibroknife in play, it moves to a 30% chance to discard one card, and a 60% chance to discard two or more cards.

Alternatively, you already have Anger in there, so maybe adding Manipulate wouldn't be a bad idea. Let's say you have one already and they roll damage. You play Manipulate, and blank their die, giving you a second . They discard two cards (or one if they have only one left) to reroll, and they roll damage again. Before, you couldn't play it, but now you can, and you play Anger, resolving that die for yourself.

I am very particular with how I comment... I don't like making more than one suggestion, and I like providing options for that suggestion (and, as you can see, detailed explanations). After all, it's your deck. But, I do agree that maybe Moisture Farm could be different. You don't have an abundance of sides, but you aren't starved for them either. Plus, you have no 3-cost cards. I think play-style affects battlefield choice more than it seems people give it credit, so without knowing why you decided on Moisture Farm, I cannot really make a targeted, better suggestion. @stingzor's suggestion is based on--I believe--the fact that the claim ability could never be used against you, so that's certainly something to consider. I think if you were to keep a resource battlefield (Moisture Farm/Imperial Armory), then switching Holocron with Lure of Power would be worth keeping in mind while you are playtesting.

licasanova 94

Playtested Ventress Dooku quite a bit. The damage doesn't stack up quickly enough before Ventress gets smoked. That said, if you do run this - I agree that Lure of Power helps fix a lot in this deck.