
Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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ChewBazea 0 0 0 1.0
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hayema7 7

I tried this combo at a local tournament and went 0-4 against Palp/Guavian, eVader/Raider, ePalp, and eLuke/Maz. The record doesn't show it, but I had solid showing against all except Vader/Raider. While I wasn't as successful as I would have liked to have been, I did have a lot of fun playing the deck.

It was my first time playing against some of the faster decks. I had some cards that relied on battlefield control that I've subbed out. Additionally, I added a 2nd Our Only Hope and 2 Cheat with hopes of getting Second Chance out. Cargo Hold - Eravana is there to move Second Chance to Baze and also to give me the possibility of using the ability with Ascension Gun if it was not selected earlier.

Currently, I'm on the fence about C-3PO. I did like having him to modify blanks for specials, but he slowed the deck down quite a bit and didn't benefit me nearly as much as I would have hoped. I also have an additional Millennium Falcon, Bowcaster, and two Launch Bay. I've considered adding those with hopes of grabbing one with Our Only Hope. I've also thought about adding another Double-Dealing with the hopes of more resource generation for higher cost upgrades and supports.

I'd like to prepare this deck for Store Championships at the end of June. I'm not thinking I'll win it, but I'd like to be competitive. Any suggestions on how to improve the deck would be welcome. Thanks!

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