Guardians of the Whills

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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1wtforce 95

"Who are they?" - Jyn Erso

"The Guardians of the Whills. Protectors of the Temple of the Kyber. But there's nothing left to protect, so now they're just causing trouble for everybody." - Cpt. Cassian Andor

Pretty straightforward... Equip as many guns as possible and roll Chirrut in last for his ability. Do as much damage as you can as quickly as possible, then claim the battlefield. Use Dug In and Field Medic to keep Baze in the game as long as possible. Try to get Rocket Launcher equipped early, and use Salvo on the 4 Ranged side if possible. That combo is crippling to most decks, and absolutely devastating against decks with non-unique characters. It's a Trap is also a killer, but is useless if your opponent doesn't have ranged. Even if you don't hit either, you'll still be rolling out very consistent damage every turn, and should be able to control your opponent's dice with Defensive Position, Deflect, High Ground, and Supression.

"You Almost Shot Me!" - Chirrut Imwe

"You're Welcome" - Baze Malbus

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