eJango/eVeers SoR version

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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the BEAST 1128

EDIT remove -1 armor plating -1 armed to the teeth -2 probe add +2 friends in low places and +2 doubt or unpredictable (your choice) EDIT

Poe/Maz is so annoying...so let's go back to old classics. I decided to build a SoR version of the eJango/eVeers deck. This deck is really fast and is able to claim even faster than Poe/Maz. I've played some game against Poe/Maz and this deck was able to win more than 60% of the games. Now, here is how I play this deck.

I usually spend my resources to equip upgrades on Jango.

I will also wait on them to activate one of their characters to get Jango's ability.

If your opponent doesn't activate their character, activate Veers and use cheap events such as probe and dug in.

For the choice of cards:

I use frozen wastes as it can be useful to remove some damage or a Poe dice showing special. However, I will most likely use my opponent's battlefield as long as it's not emperor throne room so I won't have to deal with 2 more shields.

I have an armor plating to use if my opponent has starship graveyard and to keep my characters alive longer but I think it'll be the next card I'll swap out.

I use probe because it is free and I can get some pretty good cards out - electroshock, defensive position, new orders...

I have one disarm and one sabotage because I'm not sure which one I like the best in this deck. Disarm is good to take a Sith Holocron off Palpatine, and sabotage can remove a planetary uprising or a C-3po which are pretty annoying.

Once again, the combo of tactical mastery and we have them now is pretty useful - in fact, I was able to kill Poe in one turn doing 13 damage using it

I also have some removals like the best defense..., electroshock, and he doesn't like you.

Salvage stand works perfectly in this deck as your characters both have resource sides.

Armed to the teeth is just if you need to get rid of a character and I think having one works just fine...

  • the deck has no legendary!!

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments and I'll reply as soon as I can. Thanks for the feedback!

3 commentaires

Foz 1024

Salvage Stand Jango. That's pretty inspired.

No Bait and Switch? It's another play on Jango's resource sides. He's going to land about 55% of the time (not even counting any upgrades on him) which makes it quite playable and IMO good in this deck.

Friends in Low Places is another hand disruption card you probably want. It's especially good against It's a Trap!, and of course taking out removal is always great too.

You're probably going to want way more 0 events than what you're playing. If you use up your 2 most turns playing an upgrade, that leaves you unable to pay for anything but free events.

the BEAST 1128

@Foz Any suggestions on what to replace? I'll probably replace armor plating and armed to the teeth with friends in low places. I won't include bait and switch because the deck is tight on resources and I'll take it if it lands on Jango. I am still able to produce resources from time to time so that's why I usually have about 8 free events... Thanks for the feedback

Foz 1024

I agree that Armor Plating is out. I've just been reworking my old version of the deck and a have cut Armed to the Teeth as well, so we're definitely on the same page there. I'm not sure the deck has room for both Probe and FILP. I ended up losing Probe because I prefer the near-guarantee of hitting an event to discard and also seeing the entire opponent's hand. I have found room for Doubt instead. I'll post my list shortly when it's finished. It's actually a lot of fun going back to this deck, I was one of the first people working on a list for Jango/Veers way back in the beginning days of the game, so I have a lot of nostalgia for it.