Super Budget Hero - 0 Legendary Deck

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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kbfresh147 77

This is a deck that I've messed around with several times and it's done fairly well as a budget deck. Luminara Unduli - Inspiring Commander has a potentially devastating special and pretty much everything here is to make full use of that for as long as possible. Force Heal, Field Medic, Rejuvenate, and Willpower represent a significant amount of healing done over the course of a game with Willpower also occasionally providing that sneaky kill that an opponent may not have been expecting. A180 Blaster is in there for the endgame after the opponent has likely killed Luminara Unduli - Inspiring Commander, leaving you with a still potentially relevant special to be able to claim for damage that they can't prevent. C-3PO and Meditate do the same thing, they're both in there so that before Luminara Unduli - Inspiring Commander dies you can get as much out of her special as possible. A good opening hand to look for has Training, Hit and Run, Journals of Ben Kenobi, and Meditate. Force Heal also isn't bad to have as an opening upgrade as it has two resource sides alongside its healing, giving you a chance to stockpile some resources in case you need them for a big swing turn. Would need some serious luck to ever become a store championship deck but for anyone with a limited set of cards just getting into the game, this isn't an awful deck to play with in order to get more accustomed the game.

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