Rebeltrooper's - Phasma the Dark Lord

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Rebeltrooper 964

This is Dark Lord Phasma!

Hard mulligan for holocrons/dark presence every time (especially dark presence if you are playing a 3 dice list, like vader guard, luke/obi rey) If you can get a 1st turn 3 or 4 cost blue ability on Phasma the game tends to snowball from there. It sounds like an oversimplification but its true. Holocrons are great from getting that ability down, but in continuity with dh-17, fost, lure of power thats 6 cards with double blanks that allow you to consistently use anger. manipulate helps that cause as well.

The goal as is with any Phasma deck is to make the non uniques tank and build Phasma. Blue allows u to get bigger upgrades on Phasma faster and free(er?) It can be a word if i want it to right? ;p Blue also allows u to maximize Phasma's damage with the price of failure. With all the guardian you can plan most damage you will take and burn a trooper to get a 2nd activation on phasma in a turn after they've burnt all their mitigation or have claimed. ABANDON ALL HOPE! this deck has a lot of dice and doesn't use a ton of money, ABANDON ALL HOPE screws your opponents turn when you are stacked to the max with Phasma.

All the mitigation is standard, Dark presence works off Phasma, Nightsister (the 1/6 when u guardian a damage then roll a discard for a 2nd removal is dirty!) It also works off mind probe and force push (MVP - force push is great damage, procs DP, and has great mitigation).

Meditate - those pesky dh-17 that like to blank! after you've used anger use this to turn that blank to a special on mind probe lightening, push, or phasma's focus to get more consistent damage from your deck!

I love this deck, i'm have great fun with it. It's doing very well against rainbow 9's vader/guard emo kids. It needs more testing against poe/maz and funkar but playing smart and slow usually gets u a holocron special after they've burned their imp inspection once.


5 commentaires

karolko 250

I am currently testing ePhasma / Nightsister / Stormtrooper as well though I went with more conventional approach (red weapons with a dip to best blue cards not requiring the spot such as Force Illusion, Dark Presence, Feel Your Anger and Anger ) though I've considered approach similar to yours as well. Have you tried Interrogation Droid ? I've found it very useful with 50% chance of triggering Dark Presence and also acting as removal on their removal of sorts.

Rebeltrooper 964

yeah, the problem for me is to build it traditionally is i think the guavian version gives you more health and access to yellow removal and events. I think building it traditionally its more powerful with the red/yellow combo. When you add in a lot of the abilities that are free with holocron it allows u the resources to spend on your removal. Holocron force lightening is essentially a free rocket launcher. Interrogation droid was on the table when i was building this, but it didnt make the cut. mostly because it's 2 cost in an already tight deck. I did think about it though.

EdgeStryfe 8

I feel like Imperial Discipline could still be really good in this list, I'm sure you tried it, how did it turn out?

Rebeltrooper 964

@EdgeStryfe It's good, its another cheap dice that gets u a guaranteed resource or 2 damage. Other than it didn't feel that impactful in this build i cant give you a great reason. I know i don't want phasma having 2 one cost upgrades on her, wasting possible holocron spots for her. It's not bad at all, i just found myself wishing i didn't put 2 one cost upgrades on here after i used a holocron with more abilities in my hand. you dont really want to have to put holocrons on the meat shields since the HP totals are low.

Tacster 683

Sounds cool. This is the kinda deck I wanna be playing till EaW. Something just chill and fun. Might try it out on Thursday casual night.