The Queens of Mill

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
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TheJunkie42 43

So I am thinking that deck can make mill work, and I hope it does because I can't kill anyone... There is some decent survivability in the events and it should have more than enough resources and shields to go around.

The plan is to aggressively use the Command Center and Padme with rerolls for days through Leia and yellow cards. I think that it will have enough resources to continuously fuel Padme.

The God turn: Padme mills 4, Outpost mills 2, Cunning mills 4 w/ datapad support to make it happen, Claim the Battlefield for 2 more. --That turn required 4 resources, which it seems it should have been able to create--

So losing 10-12 cards in one turn ends the game after about turn 3? So you don't even really need God level rolls.

Yes, yes I know it is extreme, but it isn't that fun :)

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