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ELuke/EEzra | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1.0 |
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Shiney1 2
I am hoping to try this deck out. This is its second version. I know that Ezra's Dice don't do a whole lot and he isn't much better than Ray but the ability to possibly snipe a resource can be useful. Luke is obviously your heavy hitter.
Battlefield: The hope is to use enough mitigation and dice removal to keep one or both alive long enough to KO your opponents characters. The Battle field is a good use to dead dice with modifiers or dice with a cost that you can't afford. Say you just don't have a resource to spare to use the 3 side on Luke's Lightsaber or your regular damage die is mitigated away, take a chance on a re-roll or hey why not gain 2 more resources for next turn? Sounds good enough to me. If people have better suggestions for a Battlefield, I am all up for listening.
Upgrades Ancient Lightsabers and Virbroknifes are pretty cheap upgrades. I don't know a person around who doesn't know the worth of a good Vibroknife. I am curious how the Ancient Lightsaber will play out. Its ability to remove 2 damage from someone will likely keep one or both of these characters around for a while longer. Same goes for Force Illusion and it's purpose is obviously to help mitigate damage that gets through to a target and keep it around for one turn longer.
Force speed, Maz's Goggles will help with their focus sides and and special abilities. I think their use goes without saying. Luke's Lightsaber just fits theme and I just have a preference to it over other lightsabers. Master of the Council can be beastly in combo with Force speed if you have the resources to Take two turns. Roll in Luke and then Re-Ready him off of it's special.
Events Fair Trade gets you some sneaky resources when your opponent is building toward something big. Luke always gets to 6 Damage or more so on Battle Rage on a 2 or 3 side deals a likely killing blow to someone on the other side. Caution is another great use for a blank or a dead die. I am a fan of turning a shield from a Luke Die to 3 shields for his pal. Lightsaber Pull serves the purpose of helping mill the deck and pull those hard to find Ancient Lightsabers when you need them. My Ally is the Force, well two of them seems like the best possible plan early to mid game if you don't have a Master of the Council on Luke to do some heavy damage, but everyone knows that.
The rest of the deck removes dice in one fashion or another. Guard is probably the best Blue Dice removal out there, possibly eliminating 2-3 dice early game and up to 4 late game. Loth-Cat and Mouse is a cheap "He Doesn't Like you" for heroes and if the cards are played right you can still dump a crap die for a good die of your opponents. Negotiate and Electroshock are money for what they do as well. Threaten can be hell on a high damage die or even a high modified damage die. Who hasn't seen that 1 ranged with a +3 or +4 from some support card?
The last card is Distraction. I waffled back and forth between Caution and Overconfidence. I went with Distraction and I'm not sure why. Re-rolling I guess feels a bit too unpredictable and they could get a better result and a blank which then removes the blank and leaves me in a bind. Sure there are plenty of scenarios where it works out the other way and that is great but I'd rather my opponent have to make a hard choice then an easy one.
Thoughts, comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
This looks like a great deck. I want to play this team sometime and will probably make something very similar. I have a few thoughts but they are all theoretical; you might have things handled already.
Rey's lightsaber seems better than Lukes; more melee sides for guard, and works better for your battlefield.
Second chance seems like it would be a winner here; put all the damage on Ezra and bring him back! And if Ezra is going to get killed, why not put One With the Force on him? that way you have that support there for the rest of the game!
Lone operative may work well too, and draw attention might help redirect damage.
Love that you put battle rage and fair trade in there. Yellow cards works so well with blue.
Those are my thoughts; I'm going to try these guys out too. Good luck!