The Rookie Lizards Squadron

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Red October Standy by 0 1 0 1.0
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Pas encore.

Aorakis 4

Hi there, here an other version of a cheap vehicule deck wich is surprisingly funny to play.

The goal here was'nt to be competitve, but just fun for cheap and i believe it is : mission accomplished :)

Cards i'm looking into are : "Truce" (to put that Y-Wing turn one or having more ressource to play a 1 and a 2 cost support)

I also might look into some "chance cube" but for now i made some good results without them.

I though that Lando would miss, and he is, turn one, and on some turn where i want to make a lot of money, but those hired gun with their ressources sides are also kind of good, and the big advantage is that the deck is now 30hp wich is really nice to grab some time mid-end game to make those vehicule their jobs.

If you're looking into something cheap and efficient enough for his cost, this might be one of the ones :D

Any constructive ideas,advices, nor both, are more than welcome ;)

Cheers from belgium !

May the blasters be with you !

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