Let the Wookie Win - with full breakdown

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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This is a deck that I have been playing/testing the last 3 weeks and have really been enjoying it. The basis of this deck is keeping Chewy alive as long as possible, and controlling your opponents character dice with either utilizing Force Speed and/or Running Interference combined with Chewy's special. In the BattleField Slot, you have a few options that are good. The safest Battlefield to run is Maz's Castle, where you are attempting to search for the 5 healing cards in the deck (usually just second change and force illusion). You can optionally run Moisture farm for Ramp, or Throne Room to be aggressive with chewy's special side. The great thing about this, is characters essentially have a reduced health pool, based on the sides of their dice. Baby Vader and other big characters can be taken out much quicker because of Chewy.

Playing the deck:

Mulligan: Ideally, you are searching hard for an Ancient Lightsaber for chewie and a Force Speed for Kanan. I would hard mulligan for Ancient above all else. If you hit Lightsaber Pull instead, you can just keep that and mulligan for force speed. Having control option turn 1 is fine if you draw into them, but it is not what you are looking for. Setting up Chewie for turns 2-3 are essential. If you draw Running Interference your opening hand without a lightsaber, I'd pitch it to find a saber. but if you draw it with either lightsaber pull or ancient, keep those two.

Playing Chewie's special: Playing Chewie's special should be straightforward, but basically when you see it you either spin a character's die down to mitigate damage, or if you have Running Interference in play, or are sitting on Force Speed special and removal, you can spin the die up and deal max damage and mitigate the die afterward with pretty much anything from your event suite. If throne room is in play, consider claiming early to kill a character with it!

Turn 1: Play force speed, or if you missed ancient lightsaber, play vibroknife on Kanan. sometimes you can get your opponent to take the bait and go for Kanan instead of Chewie, in which case you win that matchup 9/10 games. If you get your Ancient lightsaber, play that on chewie after force speed, and try to hit for 4-7 damage. Generally, you will have a 0 cost soft mitigation to slow your opponent down a little turn 1.

Turn 2: On this turn, you are looking to drop Shoto Lightsaber on chewie. This serves 3 purposes. 1) if you have to heal with Ancient Lightsaber, you still have a weapon on chewing to deal damage. 2) the extra shield is great. 3)shoto is a great lead-in card for Rey's saber or Second Chance in turn 3.

Turn 3: At this point, chewy is ready to die, or be close to death. He will either still have a ancient saber on him and/or second chance. On turn 3, you have a good enough board to hold back playing a 2 drop upgrade in lieu of playing your control cards like Force Misdirection/Threaten/Concentrate for blowout plays.

Turn 4,5: If Chewie survives turn 3, Kanan isn't touched, and you have killed at least 1 character over 10 heath, you have pretty much locked in the game at this point. Turns 4 and 5 with Kanan will be lethal once he has 2-3 weapons on him.

So that's pretty much it! Its a super fun deck to play and offers some neat combat tricks with a heavy control event suite. Threaten is a really neat card and can often remove a 3+ value die for 1 resource, or sometimes you get 2 or 3 damage with it.

2 commentaires

inkandy 1

Hey what could I use if I don't have Ancient lightsaber?


You could use holdout blaster to fill the 2 cost weapons slot.