Guards! Guards!

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Whingewood 58

This is the deck (with one change) that I won our recent 20-player local tournament with (full report here).

The idea of the deck is that you have a very tough team that can withstand high-damage aggro teams. The Gamorrean does an excellent job of being a tank, leaving the MagnaGuards to lay down some damage.

Because of the high number of paid sides, on the first round of the game I didn't usually play an upgrade unless I had Truce in hand. Getting the Imperial HQs into play as quickly as possible makes things go more smoothly.

Along with Truce, Aftermath and Stolen Cache help you pay for Endless Ranks. The main thing to watch out for is making sure that both of your MagnaGuards aren't defeated in the same round. Cannon Fodder and The Best Defense are your way of making sure that the MagnaGuards die when you want them to.

Not sure how this deck will play out after the meta-warping changes that the RRG update has caused, but it stood up to aggro before, and I'm sure it will after. Vibroknife is still good, but I may consider adding BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX, since shields are likely to see a resurgence.

1 commentaire

Dave Sharona 601

Ha, dude I took your original list and made almost all of the same changes.

The only difference is I have two copies of On The Hunt and I've dropped Unpredictable

I never have good luck with Unpredictable, and there are already PLENTY of cards in the suite to fill that role. On The Hunt provides potential removal and a step-up for your upgrade suite. Solves the shield problem you talk about as well.

Looking forward to testing it out, still haven't been able to get to it yet :D