Inquisitor Guard 14-1 (Guide)

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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LukeEaton 61

With the meta shift and decks slowing deck Grand Inquisitor has a chance to step up and play a part. This deck is not an aggro deck. It should be looked at more of a midrange deck. There are times that you will claim but for the most part you want to blank and remove opponents dice until they claim leaving you free to reroll for high damage. Also it is important to realize the importance of setting up versus putting out damage in this deck. With both 3 sides on your characters costing you a resource sometimes it is okay to grab a resource on inquisitor to play an upgrade as long as the game is still fairly even.

With that being said I have found Grand Inquisitor - Sith Loyalist to be one of the most fun characters to play. His double focus side helps with the consistency of the deck and allows for you to guarantee damage if you wait until the opponent claims. The focus can also help with hitting your specials on holocrons and other force powers that are important. Grand Inquisitor - Sith Loyalist special pairs great with both Force Choke and Force Push as you can flip dice and then remove them immediately.

Gamorrean Guard on the other hand is pretty trash. Most times you will find yourself rolling out into a blank, but that is okay. Understanding your initial roll with this deck isn't very important is a big key to your success. You can easily focus to the 3 side or plus 2 to save you some resources. Also GUARDIAN!!!! Arguably the best ability in destiny. With 11 health this fatty survives forever! Make sure you are taking advantage of guardian on the Gamorrean Guardwhenever you can. Also don't be afraid to throw an upgrade on him. He doesn't go down as fast as most guardian characters so being able to roll in 2 to 3 dice is great. My personal favorite on him is Makashi Training gives you another piece of removal using your dice.

Mulligan: This is a Sith Holocron deck you want your Sith Holocron. I have won plenty of games without them but still... If you don't see it in your opening hand mulligan hard for it. The other card that I would recommend keeping in an opening hand is Force Choke. (Thinking of throwing in a second really good in this deck.) It's a great first turn play on the inquisitor and makes his dice that much more lethal. If it's not Force Choke and it's not Sith Holocron throw them back. If you throw all your cards back and still don't see any of these Immobilize is a great runner up and doesn't hurt to see it in your opening hand.

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