Death Trooper Trifecta

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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Ten Sodas 14

My take on the three Death Trooper deck.

3 commentaires

Ten Sodas 14

Still kind of in the process of getting into this game and figuring out the balance of everything, so thoughts and/or critiques would be appreciated. I also haven't had the opportunity to actually play this deck yet, just theory crafting some ideas before I pick up the pieces I'm still missing.

vrbulldog22 1

You have 18 cards that cost 2 or more in a deck where the characters have 0 resource sides. if you make this deck as is, you'll probably feel like you never get to play anything because you'll always be broke. try to focus on free cards, or try to include things to help you get resources. death trooper is a fun deck to play, but i'm still trying to figure out how to balance costs myself. Aftermath is a common include with them. Doubt is a free removal card that doesn't rely on you being rolled in. I also felt like any time that i played Training or Red Alert, that it prevented me from having the resources to play Endless Ranks.

Ten Sodas 14

@vrbulldog22 That's a good point. I've been thinking about dropping it down to just 1 endless ranks, and I may end up taking out the drop your weapons. Not sure whether I like the red alerts yet or not either. I'm going to run it this week casually, so I'll get to see how gummed up it gets with resources.