Rebelz (Late Season 3)

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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Inspiration pour
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ProeDrameron 51

As you might guess the original inspiration for this was just to get as many Star Wars: Rebels characters in the same deck, I didn't have any thoughts about it's effectiveness. However it's proven to be a very solid vehicle deck.

It lacks some of the resource generation of Lando/Rookie Pilot based vehicle decks but on the other hand you get a lot of useful black sides from your character die, especially the disrupts from Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi and Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief which you can combo with the Y-Wing special and is incredibly effective if you can use Kanan's ability to disrupt a final resource before then triggering the Y-Wing special.

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