
Simulateur de pioche
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Cobara 68

9 commentaires

D4rthCaedus 243

I love Hux, and the Mobilize & Fall Back inclusions are great, but it feels to me like you don't have a ton of synergy in here. Maybe it's just so unique I can't wrap my head around it xD What is the gameplan?

Cobara 68

Haha sorry that I didnt include a how to play, just posted it cause someone I played the other day asked for the list xD I too love Hux's ability, and since he was first revealed I've been thinking of making a deck with him. I don't like the vehicle lists as they are too obvious, so then I came up with this.

Well, here goes: Its basically a control/mill deck that can deal damage to kill off an annoying sidecharacter when needed. With control/milldecks you're gonna play long games through the whole decks, so chances are the opponent is gonna be stacked with upgrades more often than not. Basically you use the Fall Back to counteract this.

Ideally youd start off with an On the hunt on Guavian and a Dark Prescence in play that can be triggered by both Hux and the sister (and later the droid if you can get it out). Plenty of removal so just frustrate the opponents damage right from the start, gaining more supports like the droids and the Detention Center as you go along for even more control. If they play upgrades to get more dice on the table, fine, go for Fall Back t3 / t4 after they rolled in. If they dont, keep discarding from their hand, but be sure to claim first everytime. To make this worthwile, use Hux's ability for Mobilize, Dug In (claim: yes you have the battlefield so now you can play Dug In, and ittl be free as well), or Crossfire to remove a die. Youd be surprised how many nasty diesides with a resource cost are actually being used. I usually dont skip on claiming just to get that final droid into play or anything. Just make sure you remove enough damage and make the opponent waste enough of their cards.

When you say theres not a ton of synergy with hux in here youre right. Its a Hux deck, but it doesnt really need him. If you can abuse his ability, thats great, but If they go for him first thats fine too: hes the character with the most health so youll get the most time with 3 characters. The other day i actually just hardcasted the Fall Back, getting rid of about 4/5 guns. Id pay 4 for that any day xD Ofcourse its nice when you can do it for 1 or 2, but its not like you automatically lose when hux is dead.

Cobara 68

By the way, because its a self-made deck, people who haven't played against it dont really know what to expect, maybe theyre even thinking vehicles are gonna come out. So dealing some early damage often results in them wasting cards and dice to shield up. When I deal damage with this deck its mainly from the perspective of "killing off a character is the best kind of removal" but the reaction from opponents to play defensively is a nice bonus :)

AlreadyPicked 14

I feel like you should include Loose Ends in this deck, no?

Cobara 68

I had considered it, I ran it twice in my Nightsister/Guavian/Jango deck, where I took some of the cards from, But in the end I decided to go with Lying in Wait as a finisher thats not dependent on what you roll or which of the characters stay alive :)

AlreadyPicked 14

Did you mean Jabba the Hutt - The Great and Mighty instead of Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary?

Yes, Lying in Wait is a GREAT finisher. I ran a similar deck with Jabba but Hux is a great choice for playing costly but great Red cards. I had not think of that.

Cobara 68

Yeah I meant Jabba the Hutt xD I just made a deck with Jango last week so i guess hes on the forefront of my thoughts atm. Would be a really weird mill deck with Jango in it xD

RxDevera 38

Have you tried Personal Shield or Force Illusion to help against the burst decks?

Cobara 68

I try to run as little upgrades as possible to reduce the negative effects of fallback. Also, with the droids in there and the on the hunt basically having a resource upkeep of 1 per turn, im hesitant to run 2 cost upgrades without discard sides. Force illusion might work, but without the real dedicated millcards like loose ends or command center i feel you might go through your deck too fast. atm im playing it more like: waste less cards than the opponent rather than hardcore mill. that way it leaves some room for me to drop some nonremoval cards at the end of the turn in order to draw into more removal.