Kanan the Teacher - 18/11/17 Win-a-box Tournament winner

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Kanan the Master - 26/11/17 Regional finalist 3 2 0 1.0

ForceSquad 346

Hi everyone, Matteo of Force Squad here! I won a 15p tournament in preparation of the regional season, and that's the list I've played, with a little explanation about some choices. Hope you like it! First of all, I've been testing this blue deck for several days before the tournament, and this was sooooo important for the result. We arrived to this team passing through Rey instead of Kanan Jarrus, but finding out that the last one is much more effective due to his action cheating and cards like Force Misdirection. The team is completed by 2 Padawan for economy. A few words on some cards we decided to play at the last moment:

-Handcrafted Light Bow is great against Qui-Gon Jinn, and this good moment for the shields explains his presence here, but never more than one copy (you can search it, and there are not too many free slots)

-It Binds All Things is probably the only card you want as soon as possible; only one of them can make you have resources for all the game

-Rend still not sure if this was a good idea. All depends on decks you face in the tournament. It was ok, but not great.

And now, the report! I ended the swiss rounds with a 3-1 record, losing only against Qui-Gon/Kanan.


Turn 1: Win vs Sabine/Ezra; Sabine died early and Ezra cannot do anything alone.

Turn 2: Win vs Sabine/Ezra; same deck but very different game. The recycle of Second Chance via Starship Graveyard made the game ending over time, and my cure abilities have done their part.

Turn 3: Win vs Ciena/Guavian/2x Trooper piloted by our teammate Nathan; a very good deck that sadly cannot do his best in this meta, and was blown up against me by 2 lose your hand on turn 2 and 3.

Turn 4: Loss vs Qui-Gon/Kanan; a bad damage output from me and a lot of shields cards for him made the game one-sided. We finished with 5 damages on his side of the board.


Top 4: Win vs Kylo/Grievous; Kylo is a veeeery bad customer for one-colour deck, but I was confident on being fast enough in killing him. The game became very close when my opponent cheated and killed my Kanan with a beatstick stolen by Grievous. But Kanan teached well to the Padawans, and Grievous alone is not a big threat with some controls in hand.

Final (best of 3): Win vs Qui-Gon/Kanan I lost to on round 4. On game 1 I targeted Kanan first, thinking that removing a threat before going on the well-defended Qui-Gon was a good idea. Poor choice. On game 2 my start was very strong and I won in a short time. Game 3 was decided by my turn 1 shield-smasher which hitted special both on turn 1 and 2. However, thank to Bad Destiny, you can see the final here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1aVldU4qP0! It is comented in italian, but you can see everything ;)

That's all folks! If you like it please comment with your opinions :) More lists and deck will be uploaded in a few days, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and thanks to all the people I met at the event, it was really amazing. Goodbye!

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