Shielding Damage - Obi / Rey

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Ramin2-D2 550

This deck might only roll with 3 dice, but its pretty resilient.

Obi has a great ability to compliment Rey. Always activate him first, and give Rey a shield. Rey activates and gets to deal the free damage. That being said, ideal opener is to have Force Speed on Obi, allowing him to roll in, then resolve the special, and get Rey in, then resolve all melee damage.

Of course It Binds All Things early is super useful as most upgrades are blue. Vibroknife provides great damage, but eventually gets overriden with another weapon. The Shoto combo is awesome on either character. If on Rey, she can get shields and activate to deal damage. If there's double Shoto on Obi, he activates and can get three shields.

Yoda Hut is great, as it just stays on the field giving you a shield each turn. And can occasional give you a bonus resource. Destiny is also useful with Obi's huge 3 side, to cheat in a high cost blue weapon. In the late game, there will be plenty of resources, so Master Of The Council is great fun, getting to reactivate either character, and getting to use that character's activation ability a second time in a round.

This deck is runs pretty slow, but it will shield up a lot.

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