BEST KEPT SECRET ... Danik's Chirrut / Kanan

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Danik13 545

Oh! I've been holding on to this one for long now but I think it's time it gets out there. It's about time Chirrut got the respect he deserves.

I won many, many, many times with this one. The gameplay would be to long to explain, but trust me, this deck is SOLID!

Mulligan for :

The Force is Strong, Caution or Force Speed.

Always activate Kanan first so that Chirrut's power could be use when you activate him second if you rolled blanks with Kanan.

Play The Force is Strong as soon as possible in the game. Don't underestimate that card. It helps me get at least two or three 3 or 4 cost upgrades for free each game I play.

The two characters works SO good together it's almost magical. Their powers combine are INCREDIBLE!!!

I hope you enjoy this one for it is one of MY favorite decks to play.

5 commentaires

cjnj193 265

Running the force is strong without Lightsaber Pull feels bad

Danik13 545

I know :)

But it ain't taht bad :)

You could add it I supposed. Could be a good change. I'd have to try it to see if it adds to the synergy. Maybe trade it for Willpower. I'll try it out. Thanks! :)

LoboGuarah 1

So the game is just rolling dice as an aggro deck and abusing the use of TFS? And it works on a meta using from AWK to EAW (And 2pg)?

Danik13 545


Danik13 545

Yes LoboGuarah ...

Almost like your Sabine-Poe deck, wich is just rolling dice as an aggro deck and abusing the use of Running Interference and Planetary Uprising but not as abusing as yours.