Eviscerater Vader

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Easterfields 1

Basically the idea is to be quick with damage resolution. I've noticed in my local meta right now that most players are using mainly melee damage and not necessarily ranged (lots of blue Hero/villain decks. Thus I have a LOT of dual purpose mitigation, meaning I can use the card to focus my dice or an opponent's. One could easily swap out a few for ranged damage (Deflect for example) to make it's coverage a bit wider. I feel with a good chance of drawing Maul's Lightsaber, B'Omarr Monastery is a secret weapon of sorts. Most opponents won't know how to effectively use it AND there's the potential with The Price of Failure to resolve Maul's Lightsaber 3 TIMES IN ONE TURN! I've done it. Twice!

4 commentaires

RobBarg 3

Have you thought about the card Lightsaber Pull, this can be used to pull off the Ancient Lightsaber Action multiple times. This can be very important in a deck like this, where Vader is the main damage provider and keeping him with the most hp can be very important.

Easterfields 1

That is an excellent idea! I was debating about also including Force Illusion but Lightsaber Pull would also be useful in getting Maul's Lightsaber out quickly, in addition to the reuse of Ancient Lightsaber that you suggest. Thanks for the feedback!

LukePM1776 99

You need Rise Again, maybe over Feel the Force? I would ditch Use the Force for Alter and ditch lightsaber throw for light saber pull. Also I would play Shoto's over vibroknife for the added survival.

Easterfields 1

Great suggestion about adding Lightsaber Pull! My problem with swapping Alter in for Use the Force is the cost difference. With Use the Force only being 1 resource, I consider it part of the Swiftness package and that's important because I want to resolve Vader's 3 dmg side as often and quickly as possible. Even with Force Speed, the Use/Feel the Force cards are fast and lethal. Lightsaber Throw has actually won me 2 games because it make even just modifier damage deadly. I will seriously consider Shoto for Vibroknife. I'll lose speed but gain a bit of protection.