Top 4 Maryland Regional Yoda/Hondo

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Yoda/Hondo 3 2 0 1.0

ArrowBrookGaming 673

This is an updated version of the Arrow Brook Gaming decklist that went 8-0 at the Connecticut regional last week. Made Top 4 this weekend at the Maryland Regional.

The deck is super consistent with few bad matchups. The only changes we made from last week was adding zero-cost mitigation and Verpine Sniper Rifle. Verpine was amazing throughout the day. More to come about the Top 4 finish on

7 commentaires

stranglebat 832

Since you have read my PM, and not answered it i thought id ask here. Did you guys know that 3 weeks before the "original" list came out i had made this?

and wrote this

and this was posted with my list

and this was recorded

I Believe its possible that you could come up with pretty much the exact list i had (1 card different) even despite it being so publicly posted but you didnt want to address it and instead doubled down on the arrowgaming spam. Please take this chance to address it now or at least credit others work like agent of zion for the initial concept etc.

To clarify no one thinks they own putting together Hondo and Yoda, nor do i think it isnt great the results you have been putting up with it as it is a credit to your play and the deck but i just can't help but feel slighted here.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

Wafflemancer 1

You accidentally left the "derived from" section blank :)

ArrowBrookGaming 673

@stranglebat - I apologize if you feel credit wasn’t given to you as one of the first couple of players to have success with the deck. We are not posting our decklists for “credit” on the original idea. As competitive players, we study multiple sites, watch as many games as we can, and take advice from whomever is willing to give it.

As a team of competitive destiny players, we post our decklists so that other players can see the success of the deck and perhaps choose it to use in their regionals. Our intention is never to start a battle over who created what deck. I know that when I select a deck for regionals, I like to compare the success of other versions of that deck across as many competitive events as possible. We are simply contributing our results to this collection of information.

Again, we apologize that you felt credit was stolen from you and the others who had piloted this deck to successful finishes.

stranglebat 832

@ArrowBrookGaming Hey thanks for the fast reply. I did want to handle it in PMs but when that got missed i may have over reacted.

Its less about credit and more about collaboration and courtesy. I am seriously thrilled with the success you found so far and hope that going forward you continue that sucess. Thanks for the acknowlegdement and apology.

I hope that we can just put this behind us and now concentrate on refining and strategizing the deck :)

First question is how did verpine hold up compared to obi's saber?

ArrowBrookGaming 673

@stranglebat - It played amazing. The ability to play it either character was super relevant, as many people are focusing Yoda down as quickly as possible. In addition, having the extra resource was great. The only times Obi-Wan's may have been better was when Yoda was my only character remaining, but that didn't really come up.

drewycp 2

@stranglebat Hey Pilot and Deckbuilder here. Shoot me a PM and lets chat about what you brought up on your first reply.


stranglebat 832


Hi sorry i missed this update. You can get me on discord Stranglebat#1696