Worst Idea Ever

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Fredpswartz 45

Probably better done with a Battle Droid than a Jawa, but none have made their way into my collection yet. I suppose the Jawa has the advantage of being able to get you resources in a pinch, just make sure you've already resolved the die for whatever upgrade you discard. Or make sure you discard an upgrade belonging to someone about to be defeated.

3 commentaires

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

I think you misspelled Best in the title

Fredpswartz 45

Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence :-) We'll see if the Outer Rim Smuggler or the Hired Gun version of this deck is any good when I get around to making them. It took me about a year to realise that Nightsisters can reroll the opponent's dice. Lol. The silly trick in the Nightsister version, of course, using Invigorate to recover health lost to the Nightsisters' ability.


Hidden in Shadow would be good in this deck in order to get some extra use out of the Nightsister's ability.