Hello There - What I Have

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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8 commentaires

Celestron Destiny 69

@Hessian Sack I have played this deck after watching the team covenant video. I would reccomend a Yoda's Hut for resource generation as Adapt doesn't do much when your characters are about to die. Also, after worlds there are lots of Kylos running around, so a Stun Baton or Sound The Alarm would be good.

Luckiertech 23

@hessian Sack, interesting choices, i woud change Defensive Teaching is a loss of space, every time i played i never got so many shields you could add Defensive Stance or Trust The Force, but i liked your deck later i´m going to post my deck and i would very much appreciate your opinion.

Hessian Sack 1338

@cracalacin @Luckiertech Thanks for your opinions! I'm trying to get a couple of Sound The Alarm from another player in my group, actually, and I made the mistake of trading my only Stun Baton just before I heard about this. I've really liked Defensive Teaching, and most times I've played this, I've been able to (over the course of the first couple of rounds) build up that many shields (5), and maintain them until my opponent gets a large burst of damage. Yoda's Hut is a great suggestion, I had it in a previous incarnation of this, and it performed really well. I'm not so keen on Defensive Stance, I had it in another version of this one, and it just didn't perform well enough to make it into the final stages.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Luckiertech How is your deck going?

Luckiertech 23

@Hessian Sack i just posted,swdestinydb.com Is more or less, I have not tested yet but I'm not happy, I still want to put the Your Eyes Can Deceive You what do you think ?

Crumpet_of_Conquest 101

Have you considered Fearless?

Celestron Destiny 69

@Cool Cat for President Shoto Lightsaber is basically the equivalent to fearless but also provides a die

Hessian Sack 1338

@cracalacin @Cool Cat for President Yep, and I honestly think that it's not worth two resources. It's really good with a character like Ahsoka Tano - Force Operative, but in this case, it'll be taking up board space where I could be playing a Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber or Shoto Lightsaber as @cracalacin suggested.