Yondo - 29th Spot at Europeans - Gareth Parfitt

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

leggo 86

Nothing spectacular, and derived from plenty of better players than myself. A few small tweeks, in SotA and Vandalize, neither of which proved game winners, and Defend was a dead card most of the time, as I mainly avoided sticks. Dump a X-* on Yoda and watch him terrorize your opponents.

2 commentaires

lev 27

What changes would you make?

leggo 86

As commented Sound and Vandalize went into the deck as what I felt were the flex cards. Defend could become Dive, with the popularity of Drive-By. I struggled in the top 32, with one dice rolls my side, and two getting to 3 resources. Also with effectively 8 cards reliant on Hondo being alive, I am tempted to drop Entangle.

If I was to tailor the deck to my experiences, I think it would go as follows

Entangle -> Dive Entangle -> Daring Escape Sound the Alarm -> Truce