Ninezin 3-2 at local shop tourney

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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flight799 149

100% consistency for Mother´s ability and Witch Magick, thus no even costed cards included. Money runs tight sometimes but you can just auto focus to a resource with Mother if that´s the case. Mulligan for some mitigation and two 3 costed weapons to do some early damage, Heirlooms are the best as these don´t need any extra resources to resolve. As any mitigation will cost you 1 resource, you need to get one resource from Mother in the first round.

I took this to a local competitive event and went 3-2 with it.

vs Yoda/eK-2SO
my opponent rolled hot (K-2SO dice rolled almost always 3, 2 or 2) and I rolled mostly blanks or non-damage sides, even on multiple rerolls. My opponent also caught me off guard with a first Decisive Blow play and removed all FN-2199 dice in one round. Next round I had low damage showing on my FN-2199 dice (3 damage out of 4 dice - two were Heirlooms) and then my opponent resolved resource die for a third resource while having melee damage also showing - I guessed that he might have another copy of Decisive in hand but since I did not have mitigation available and I was also behind in damage race I had to take the chance that he was bluffing and wanted me to resolve my low damage, so I rerolled into a bit better damage, but of course he had the card in hand. So it was a devastating loss. 0-1

vs eAayla/eRose/Ezra vehicles

FN-2199 did his job and I Killed Ezra off quickly and soon also Rose. My opponent could not build the board state fast enough despite having Rally Aid in play and I managed to finish Aayla while both of my characters were quite healthy. win 1-1

vs eLuke/eLando

Mitigated Lando´s dice and also killed him first to stop the economy, also Lando had a non-redeploy weapon on him when he died. Finished off Luke with both characters quite healthy. win 2-1

vs eBoba/ePhasma

Went quickly after Boba and managed hit him for 8 damage in the first round, so it was not difficult to down him in round 2. I don´t remember who my opponent went after first but in the end my last char had about 7-8 health left and my opponent needed a perfect roll off a quick draw play which did not happen. So I needed to deal only about 4 damage which I managed quickly. win 3-1

vs ePoe/eHondo

This was a very close game. I did not pay Hondo in first rounds and just healed with Witch Magicks and used Force Illusion but this all slowed down my tempo. I killed Poe off first, especially because he was wielding his own blaster. And then in the end it was my FN-2199 against Hondo. As my deck is very resource hungry I couldn´t pay him off all the time and took quite a bit of damage still. We went to time and it played out so that I still had to resolve my dice to deal 3 damage and make the damage dealt even. So my opponent claimed the battlefield. FN was exhausted, all dice used/removed, no resources available and I had one card left in my hand - Canto Bight Pistol and overwrite still doable. So I took my 33% chance to hit either of the damage sides without a resource cost. It rolled 1 instead. So I lost due to tie breaker (battlefield control). 3-2

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