Obi-Maz variation from Santa Clara SC deck

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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2018 Store Championship Winner (Isle of Gamers, Santa Clara, 23 15 12 1.0
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CrowOfGames 9

So this is my variation on the deck by @Lerysh. I took this deck to a 24 person store championship event. I finished 2-2 and was the top ranked 2-2 player finishing 12th overall. The two players I lost to were in the Top 4 Cut, one of whom won the store championship. Here are my results and findings:

Round One vs Boba Fett/Seventh Sister I drew zero upgrades. Hard mulligan all 5 cards, still no upgrades. I did draw a Hyperspace Jump, so there was that. By the time he had played one upgrade on Boba Fett and rolled in, I had 3 resources and a handful of mitigation cards including the aforementioned HJ. I thought I might be able to mitigate his damage. Bad move. So as he made a good roll there, I should have punched the HJ button to the next turn and ditched my hand to draw 5 cards and hope for an upgrade to do some damage. At one point I had a chance still but I rolled 5 dice with Obi-Wan one time and rolled 3 blanks, which he immediately hit with Feel Your Anger. That combined with my own play mistakes (I think I forgot Obi-Wan's shield at least twice) and the lack of any weapon upgrades until far too late... well that was doom. The Boba Fett/Seventh Sister deck was super good and super tight and won this SC event, so I guess my loss here isn't all bad.... The Boba Fett/Seventh Sister deck is beatable, and I don't fear it with Obi-Maz... and the player driving it is really really good... but still... sigh. Recprd is 0-1.

Round Two vs Boba Fett/Phasma I drew zero upgades. Hard mulligan all 5 cards, still no upgrades. Wait a second... this seems familiar somehow.... Yup, two games in a row, zero upgrades. Neat. I was behind the 8 ball the whole match, I did kill Boba Fett and had 5 damage on Phasma at the end, but it was too little too late. First turn with jack squat just killed me again. I didn't make play mistakes this time, but it didn't matter because the first turn was so bad again. So this is the 2nd game in a row the no upgrade start happened, when it didn't happen at all in playtesting or tuning... heh, too funny. Record is 0-2.

Round Three vs Plo Koon/Padawan/Padawan People have seen this one around, use the character abilities to just spam upgrades for cheap and go to town on your opponent's face. However, my deck finally worked as intended. Crushed Plo Koon 2nd turn and opponent scooped because I also had 3 shields on Maz and Obi both. I have seen the Plo Koon/Padawan/Padawan deck around and it is pretty good, but when Obi-Maz goes off it crushes it. Record is now 1-2.

Round Four vs Poe/Hondo My deck does what it is meant to do again and I crush Hondo in the 2nd turn, even with opponent playing two healing cards on Hondo in that span. Poe does some serious damage to Obi-Wan before I just end up beating Poe on the damage output power curve and win. Record is now 2-2. Even though I had no shot at the Top 4 Cut after the 2nd round, I stuck and around and played because I wanted more play data to go on... that and to have some fun.

Lessons learned: This deck is a glass cannon. if it goes off, good luck to you because it does serious damage super fast. But if it doesn't draw any weapon upgrades turn one... well, you lose, like you do with most decks outside of mill decks.

I think this deck could be tuned and tweaked to be more consistent. For instance, there are enough mitigation and Ambush enabled cards in the game now with WOTF available that you don't really need Force Speed anymore. Sure, Force Speed can enable spurts, but it doesn't enable consistent damage. With the inclusion of Darksaber and its 2 Focus side (3 Focus if its on Obi-Wan), Maz's Goggles is redundant - MG did nothing for me all day. So I can take out MG and Force Speed to put in more weapons. I am unsure about the inclusion of Vibrocutlass in the future as well, I think the deck may be better served by Master of the Council. Maybe consider the return of Shoto Lightsaber to the deck? (I'll get to why later/below.) Maybe consider more weapons with Redeploy?

And with Maz's Goggles and Vibrocutlass gone, is Maz's Vault really necessary at that point? Likely take out the vault for It Binds All Things. Also does away with giving opponents free resources via Maz's Vault, which is a bad idea against mill decks, of which there are plenty in my local meta.

Other considerations will be pushing Easy Pickings back up to two copies as lots of top tier decks still rely on specials a lot, like a lot. Might be tempted by Entangle over Easy Pickings though... maybe. In The Crosshairs is expensive, but has Ambush and allows you to remove all dice of a given symbol. Save me once, glad I had it. but I can see it being a cut card for a different mitigation card, probably the new WOTF card Beguile which is just crazy good.

Riposte... wish I had two copies in the deck. Which is why I am considering Shoto Lightsaber again. A second Riposte might have allowed me to maybe pull out the 2nd match I lost. And Vandalize wasn't that useful, all it did was annoy people for a turn and not really slow anyone down in any measureable way. Likely consider other cards that have Ambush built in, other mitigation cards, or that 2nd copy of Riposte....

And lastly, the battlefield choice. The deck does not need Outer Rim Outpost, it does well enough without it, especially if Maz's Vault is in play already. I am considering the Frozen Wastes which is so popular with Obi-Maz, because the deck goes so fast you might as well remove one of their dice before you end your turn - you don't really need the resource from Outer Rim Outpost. Also considering Echo Base, Obi-Wan's Hut and Rebel War Room. But I suspect that Frozen Wastes will carry the day in the end.

I had a good time, learned a few things and I can see room for improvement in the deck to make it more consistent and less of a glass cannon.

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