
Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Chrispy77 137

Are you the type of person that likes to wait until you have the full, legal binding commitment of marriage before intimacy? I have just the deck for you.

This deck is called Abstinence- a deck that refrains from dealing damage until just that perfect moment. When it comes to your relationship with damage, you have a long term plan. You want to get at least 5 tokens onto your plan before you know you have something special. The only problem is that in a world full of others who just want to rush into things, you need to run away from those who'd wish to get you.

That's why you have hyperspace jump and retreat. This will allow you to spend time on your long term plan and make sure others cant steer you away from the path with all their attacks. You ran out of retreats? No problem. Just cheat that card back into your hand and you're ready to get the heck outta there.

After waiting for the right time, rely upon your fall back and emergency evacuation for help. They may have spent a lot of time preparing for damage, but you need to level the playing field before you can come out on top.

Need money to make it work? That's why like your body and heart you lock yourself in Maz's vault and make sure you take a chance on that chance cube like you take a chance on love.

2 commentaires

Parkside 8

Chrispy77 137

Just so I can have a few dice with a 1/2 chance of rolling damage for the long term plan :p