ARGH - 2nd place store championship

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
4-character vehicle - 3rd place at 20ish player SC 4 2 8 2.0
Inspiration pour
this trash - top 4 store championship 2 0 0 4.0

RebelTraitor 259

played this at a store champ. too tired to do a full write-up, i'll make a youtube video tomorrow. The deck that accounted for all my losses and won the event was DJ/Talzin/Ciena. Shoutout to my top 4 opponent for making me play a vehicle mirror right before the finals. shoutout to my friend darthplaguiesthewise15 for coming to the event with me and playing the coolest deck there (eAnakin/ejar-Jar/temple guard)

2 commentaires

5P33D 75

@rebeltraitor what's the name of your YouTube channel?

RebelTraitor 259

darth youtube, the link is in my bio. I talk about other things besides destiny so my character that does destiny is called rebel traitor.