SC Runner Up eKylo2/ePryce WriteUp

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Authorn 45

This deck got second place at the Get Your Fun On store championship on August 12, 2018. There were 9 people in attendance giving us 4 rounds of play with no cut to top. I finished 3-1.

Round 1: eObi-wan2/eEzra2- Win. Going against a mono colored deck was a nice way to start off. Props to my opponent for staying calm while he was rolling poorly. He only rolled Obi-wan's 3 sides a few times, and I was able to remove most of them when he did.

Round 2: eDooku2/eTalzin- Loss. This was my play test partner and prior to this tournament he had not beaten my deck. But he won when it counted. A combination of bad rolls on my part, and not rerolling enough for damage was my downfall. This player would go on to win the championship. Good Job Chase!

Round 3: eThrawn/eTalzin- Win. I focused Talzin down first, killing her with an activation on round 2. After that the deck lost most of its consistency and Thrawn has no damage sides, so I was able to control his upgrade dice fairly easily.

Round 4: ePalpatine- Win. For the first time in this tournament I got my battlefield for this game. I was able to win by round 3 due to rolling well, using the Arihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor ability, and Kylo Ren - Tormented One activations.

So the obvious questions:

Q: Why no Ancient Lightsaber? A: Because I never pulled one, and I do not feel like spending $40 on one card. I can do without.

Q: Why no Force Speed? A: These I do have, but I felt like Kylo Ren - Tormented One needed that slot for a weapon of some sort, and I could get away with not having one.

Q: What would you change in the deck? A: I would probably take out one Close Quarters Assault and add another mitigation card, maybe a second Isolation or Feel Your Anger.

Q: What would you mulligan for in your opening hand? A: I wanted to try to have one 2 weapon and one 0 mitigation card in my hand to start the game. Crossguard Lightsaber and Hidden Motive are the preferred cards, however, others work as well.

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