Corbog’s Double Blanks Game Night Fun

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
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Corbog’s Double Blanks Game Night Fun 0 0 0 2.0

Corbog 108

this deck is for me, not for you. it’s mine.

5 commentaires

Bminny 48

What is Imperial HQ for?

Corbog 108

@Bminny I have an updated version of this deck that adds ground battalion, but basically it’s there to save money when I need it. Although after you asked this I did the math and there’s only about 1/4 of the dice that have a side with a cost so I may be better off with a truce or something like that.

Razelll 244

@Corbog Or you could drop in Tech Teams instead.

Imperial Armory does like nothing for you. I would run either Imperial Academy or Docking Bay. Also why only 1 Crash Landing 1 He Doesn't Like You, and no Dangerous Maneuvers.

Corbog 108

@Razelll tech team is a good idea. As far as the battlefield I meant to select Docking Bay I just had a brain goof, I just kinda threw this deck together really quick for playing on tts last night.

Razelll 244

@Corbog lol