7th Tarkin - Winner 13 player SC

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Old Ben Kenobi 52

The whole idea behind this deck is to have decent die removal, lots of cheap die on the table, and have some variability with a few bigger cards against particular decks. Works pretty well against the mill - took semi-finals 2-0 and finals 2-1 both against mill decks, after 3-1 in round robin tournament. Force wave for 3-person decks, Kylo starfighter for mono colour, force lightning, push, and throw for later game only if needed. Tarkin's ability is beastly, and his refocus die make 7th pretty dangerous too especially with some extra seeker droid die when possible. Still experimenting with the force powers - lightning and wave have been really useful, but not the other 2 yet.

Any constructive criticism and tips would be helpful - this was my first SC so pretty amazing to take it first run.

2 commentaires

Chi3f1n6 21

What decks did you go up against?

Old Ben Kenobi 52

Semi-finals was eCass/eYoda, finals was eYoda/Cass/Anakin, but I don't completely remember the rounds - there was a eHan/eLeia, a eBobba/eKetsu, eTalzin/eDooku, and another that beat me (I think it was Villain)