Darth Vader, Terror To Behold - Aggro

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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zachbunn 565

WARNING! This is deck is built using spoilers from Across the Galaxy. If you do not want to see spoilers, you will want to stop reading here.

You cannot published decks using un-released cards, so I replaced cards I actually included in the deck with previously released cards. Here are the changes made to the deck.

Released Card -> Actual Card

  • Darth Vader, Sith Lord -> Darth Vader, Terror To Behold
  • Mind Trick -> Fear and Dead Men
  • Maul’s Lightsaber -> Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

The goal of this deck is to get ahead on the damage curve and never let up! It wants to play a few upgrades on Vader and hit Boundless Ambition + The Price of Failure. The key to winning with this deck is going to be timing The Price of Failure.

A lot of times Price of Failure decks feel like you’re playing it too early, but the moment you can reasonably kill an important enemy character it is usually worth going for the kill. We played three games using the new Vader on the Team Covenant Live Stream Yesterday and I actually played Price of Failure on the first turn in one of the games!

You can see the stream along with my full write-up on the new Vader and my control variant of the deck on my blog here.

2 commentaires

the BEAST 1128

I built a deck using Darth Vader - Terror To Behold as well but I think Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary is a better pair. With First Order Stormtrooper, you can have The Best Defense..., Crash Landing, and Electrostaff. With greedo, you can have He Doesn't Like You, Dangerous Maneuver, Hound's Tooth, Truce, and even Darksaber. I built my deck so that every removal is free, so I can focus on upgrades and Rise Again. The character is super cool, and I can't wait to try him out. By the way, I enjoy your content and the stream was nice!

zachbunn 565

@the BEAST I won't be surprised if you are totally right! Darksaber is a really good card on new Vader, so that's tempting. If we will get a 7 point yellow character that is interesting enough to try with him, I'd be all about it. I'll go ahead and start crossing my fingers for that 7-point Aphra!