Iden/Talzin control

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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TheDrProfessor 2

This is a first untested draft. I enjoy slow control decks like Phasma1 decks and Thrawn/Talzin, and this is a deck I hope can perform well. Negation of action cheating w/Iden is intended to keep the game slowed down so you can use you're large removal suite to control their dice. Using a combination of stifle and your seeker droid dice to peel away key cards from your opponent you will try and out value your opponents mid game. If they cant challenge your dice after a talzin activation or a iden 2 focus resolve because you have limited their removal options you should go for high value on your dice and force them into suboptimal situations. My theory is that the blockade plot will put your opponent on the back foot and you will attempt to keep them there. Rift Valley is a powerful battlefield that a non talzin opponent will have a lot less value with. Mulligan for a 1 cost upgrade and/or chance cubes . The energy bow or a dh17 are really good value round 1 and the seeker droids can only roll good things. Discard sides become more valuable with Imposing presence being able to lock down the end of a round. Overall I'm not completely sold on this deck, but Im very excited that it could he a strong control option.

1 commentaire

Patpatine 195

Nice combo, let me know how it works out.