Vader's Mother - Way Of The Force

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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Ramin2-D2 550

decks is pretty powerful, especially with the namesake Way Of The Force upgrade getting played on Vader. The opening hand is ideally that plus Enrage. If not just find another upgrade, and probably focus on of Talzin die into a resource.

Keep the deck mostly odd for Talzin ability and Witch Magick. The latter along with Rise Again gives this deck a lot of health.

7 commentaires

rpr623 1

Dark Ritual might be good too.

Ramin2-D2 550

@rpr623 i opted not to have Dark Ritual since it would bring back Vader with only one dice

the BEAST 1128

I'd say a Sith Holocron package is better for this deck.

Ramin2-D2 550

@the BEAST why the Holocron route?

the BEAST 1128

@Ramin2-D2With holocron you can play way of the force for free. You can also replace hidden motive for chance cubes since you're gonna have more control with force throw and force push. Then, you can remove enrage since holocron and cubes make you money. This is what I'd change: -1 sickle -1 dagger -2 hate -1 heirloom -1 maul's -1 kylo's -2 torment -2 enrage +2 force push +2 force throw +2 holocron +2 cubes +2 force illusion +1 unyielding

the BEAST 1128

Edit: -1 vader's -1 unyielding +2 force wave

Ramin2-D2 550

i like that Sith Holocron saves resources. does both me though that now it's resolving yet another symbol, Specials, when there is already Ranged and Melee.

also that with the Holocron into Way Of The Force, you now lose one turn rolling without an elite Vader.