Make Palp Great Again

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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1 commentaire

Aorakis 4

I'm here coz i loved the palp so much back in the days, and still loves him..

but let's say it, he's now way too expansive compare to that new freaking Apprentice of him... That Bloody Vador and his hands on his belt picture (wich is just baaad !)

I would love seeing FFG making some "cost rework" on those epic and already forgotten cards or that have potential but are way too expansive to be played elsewhere than at home...

Like This Palp, The Old Guardian Kenobi, The 1st Jyn and Many of those 3 first expansions characters that are just dead and burried coz they're way to expansive !

Even look at old vader and luke... WAAAY TO EXPANSIVE compared to their latest versions...

gonna still play palp at home for fun wich is all what he can do now :)

Cheers ;)